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  • Each table would have it’s own “ID”. It will show in the them a class=IDHERE

    The same ID will show in the .css file, your style sheet. By editing the colours, fonts etc here, tables with that class will use the new style.

    Things like the main page background will be high up in the .css list.

    By Googling css or html for dummies, I’m sure there will be some good guides to help you.

    Hope this helps!

    To change the look of the blog without editing the CSS, you’ll have to download and apply a new theme. There are many available here-

    Developers often make themes so you can probably Google ‘WordPress themes’ and see what comes up.

    In order to change the URL of the blog, first make sure the new domain name is pointing to the site, then do the following-

    1) Log into the admin
    2) Options
    3) Change ‘WordPress address (URI)’ and ‘Blog address (URI)’ to what you’d like the new URL to be.
    4) Hit ‘Update Options’

    That should do it. Again, make sure the domain name is pointing to the blog or the change will render to blog inaccessible.

    [sig removed per forum rules]

    Thread Starter cuisinecitrine


    Is there any thems similar to the ones above?

    THREE identical messages?

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