Need help making blog visually appealing
My blog is, I am using the twenty twelve theme.
I was hoping to get some help on here. I have a lot of questions. I would appreciate it if even one of them could be answered. I have zero background in programming and web design, hence the issues.
If someone is able to answer a few of these questions and is in website design, I’d be happy to share their information with my blog followers. Anyway, here are the questions:
1. How do I create the small image in the tab beside my website title?
2. Am I able to have images in my menus? (Would like to have small graphics that, when clicked, lead to certain posts)
3. When I include an image with a white background, why does it look like it is pasted onto my site…aka why can I see the outline of it?
4. If a theme only includes one menu option, is there a way around this?
5. Does anyone know of a good blog/site that has a lot of tutorials for beginner bloggers/website designers?
Thank you in advance!
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