• Ok, I am new to blogging but usually pretty good with computers, internet, web pages extra. But trying to understand how to edit my blog is giving a migrane on top of the one I already have.

    So I would be willing to pay to have someone build me the theme I want.

    I want it very simple, a header image that I would proved
    below a row of link to blog home, website home, and my catagories.
    Below that, my blog as normal.

    I don’t really want a sidebar because it is to busy. Here is something similar to what I want: https://www.jessicarstrickland.com/blog/

    If there is already a theme similar please let me know or i would like to know how to find someone to do this for me and how much I am looking at.

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  • 1. Did you have a chance to look around at
    https://themes.wordpress.net ? More than 1,000 themes…

    2. If you’d like to hire someone, you must leave a contact address and whoever is interested in the job will contact you privately. (Forum Rules – no bidding wars here!)

    Alternatively, you can post your request to the wp-pro mailing list:

    Thread Starter crcossel


    Yes I did but I don’t know how to alter them and almost all had a sidebar.

    Your best best would be to find a theme that fits almost what you want and then ask for help making the adjustments you would like. Most of the time will be yours looking through all the themes to find just the right one. Learning how to change a theme is great fun.

    jwusrster was right! It is fun to learn changing a theme on your own.

    But, if you do need help, I think I can help you out (for free!). You want a “One-Column” template for your blog, don’t you? Well, I had made one. You can contact me by filling the contact form on my weblog (Just view my profile!)

    Thread Starter crcossel


    Ok you guys were so right. Thank you for the encouragement. I was able to do most of what I wanted. Can you help me with the rest?


    Ok I want to get all the stuff below the post gone. And I want to put catagies in the bar where about and home is. and in that same bar at the end a button for archives that drops down. Am I getting to compicated?

    The first thing I’ll have to do is to download the Detour theme so I can see how it works. Getting rid of the stuff at the bottom under the posts is easy.

    If you truly want to get rid of the stuff at the bottom, go into the footer file. There are 3 div’s (right, left and middle). Delete that code.

    I wouldn’t delete the div but rather would delete the code within the div. That way, if you want to put something back, you’ll be all set.

    Thread Starter crcossel


    Ok I got the footer done. Now I figured….hmm maybe it is the same for the link bar but when I open the header.php file all I see is this:
    ? Home


    None of the other files look like that…what do I do now?

    The header file is using the wp_list_pages function to display a menu item for every page that you make. This is after the Home link.

    So, what you want is an Archives dropdown box that lists all of your month archives. I’ve seen this discussed on the forum. Maybe if you do a search for this, you’ll find how to do it. I’ll look, too.

    I found this code by doing a search here. It works very well.

    <li id="archives">Archives:
    <li><form name="archiveform" action="">
    <select name="archive_chrono" onchange="window.location =
    <option value=''>By Month</option>
    <?php get_archives('','','option', 1); ?>

    Put it right after the wp_list_pages function call.

    Thread Starter crcossel


    ok I don’t get it. I am not seeing a wp_list_pages anywhere. When I open the header file all I see is

    ? Home

    there is absolutely nothing else in the file. I totally don’t get it. On top of that I tried posting an image and instead of putting the the postbreak.gif after the image it is after the text and the image goes into the next post. I tried doing a find on the style sheet but I can’t even find where it is using the postbreak.gif file.

    I see you have modified the header on your current site. This is what I have at the end of my header.php file I downloaded with the detour-10 theme:

    <div id="nav">
    <div class="alignleft">
    <li><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>">Home</a></li>
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&depth=1'); ?>
    <div id="wrap">

    Thread Starter crcossel



    I finally figured out 30 min ago (I’ve been up all night) that my mac software was opening the file in RTF. It would not open the coded plain text document. So I switched to my pc laptop and was able to make some changes although I still can’t get the archives thing. But I’m working on it. I have fixed every other one of my issues so I am pretty proud of myself.

    Thread Starter crcossel


    ok I got it on there but in the wrong place. I would like to see it horizontal next to the “products” link and in the correct color and then the drop down box next to it.

    You need to correct what you copied in because you lost the <ul>. To get it to align the way you want, you would have to edit the stylesheet and add something for the li class archives tag. I’ll check it out on my site.

    On my blog, I added the following to the stylesheet after the #nav stuff:
    #alignright {

    Then I changed the header.php to have the following div after the div class=”alignleft”:

    <div id="alignright">
    <li><form name="archiveform" action="">
    <select name="archive_chrono" onchange="window.location =
    <option value=''>By Month</option>
    <?php get_archives('','','option', 1); ?>

    This gets it on the right.

    Thread Starter crcossel


    Thanks for all your help. I really appreciate it. I’m going to take it down for now and if we figure it out I will put it back.

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