• Hi, (sorry for my english i am french)


    I try to configure my shipping rate. I look a lot of doccumentation and look on youtube but i am still confuse…

    What i try to do is to put 2 flat rate for each 3 differents zone.

    For shippement to Cananda i want :
    under 81.06 [min_fee =”40.46″]
    OR upper 81.06 [fee percent=”35″] of the order value

    For shippement to 48 contigious states i want :
    under 81.06 [min_fee =”13.51″]
    OR upper 81.06 [fee percent=”35″] of the order value

    And for shipment to APO & FPO, Alaska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico & Guam i want :
    under 67.55 – [min_fee =”29.72″]
    OR upper 67.55 + [fee percent=”35″] of the order value


    1)I went on woocommerce/setting/shipping/ i have set my 3 zones (Canada/ 48 contiguous states/ and APO & FPO, Alaska, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico & Guam).

    2)I have click on each of theses zone and set ”flat rate”

    3) In ”flat rate” i have set in the ”cost” this by example :

    60 – [min_fee =”29.95″] or 60 + [fee percent=”35″]

    This is clearly not the good way because nothing hapen when i try to checkout and see the shipping price. Where and how can i set up these field please?


    I am confuse about the shipping currency too. My woocommerce is set in CAD dollars and the number i gave you up here is set in CAD dollars too. I have set a currency switcher for my customer to see the currency depending on ther ip adress. But will woocommerce charge for the shipping for the US client in USD or in CAD?

    Sorry to be so confuse…

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Jennifer.
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