• My site, https://vivelacasaverde.com/ is running an old header. I need to change the image. I have the new one ready to swap out but I simply cannot find where to do this at. Plus, I am not sure that my computer is one that started the site, which I am not sure if that is my issue. I believe the theme I am running is WSC6 1.0.5 by Go Imai.
    Any help will, in fact, help.

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  • Thread Starter cellarridge


    I uploaded it to the media library on my blog’s dashboard sidebar. The absolute URL, I believe, is:


    You need to replace all this code:

    if ( is_front_page() ) { ?>
    	<div id="top-image">
    		<div id="top-image-wrap">
    			<?php if(function_exists('wp_cycle')) { wp_cycle();} else { ?>
    			<img src="<?php echo get_template_directory_uri(); ?>/img/top-image-1.jpg" />
    			<?php } ?>
    <?php } else { ?>
    	<div id="second-image">
    		<div id="breadcrumb">
    		<?php if(function_exists('bcn_display')) { bcn_display(); } ?>
    <?php } ?>

    With this code:

    <div id="top-image">
      <div id="top-image-wrap">
        <img src="<?php echo (wp_upload_dir())['baseurl']; ?>/2012/01/12_LCV_website_header.jpg" />

    Try that and let’s see what it gives us.



    Thread Starter cellarridge


    So i did it (i think). But now nothing loads when I go to https://www.vivelacasaverde.com
    What now?

    Then you can’t have done it right. Following exactly what I gave you shouldn’t have caused an error like that, even if it was slightly wrong.

    You could try this:

    <div id="top-image">
      <div id="top-image-wrap">
        <img src="https://vivelacasaverde.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/12_LCV_website_header.jpg" />

    If that works, it was my code that was wrong. If it doesn’t you’ve made alterations other than those I gave you. In which case, please post the code in header.php, using pastebin in line with the forum rules.



    Thread Starter cellarridge


    So, I am starting with a whole header code of this:
    [Code moderated as per the Forum Rules. Please use the pastebin]

    and replacing only this part:
    [Code moderated.]

    With this part:

    <div id="top-image">
      <div id="top-image-wrap">
        <img src="<?php echo (wp_upload_dir())['baseurl']; ?>/2012/01/12_LCV_website_header.jpg" />

    or this one:

    <div id="top-image">
      <div id="top-image-wrap">
        <img src="https://vivelacasaverde.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/12_LCV_website_header.jpg" />

    So my finished, entire code for the Header section of my editor HTML will look like:

    [Code moderated.]

    Is that right? To have all that code still in there?

    Thread Starter cellarridge


    Put back the original code and let’s start again. There’s a few things in there I’m not happy with.



    Thread Starter cellarridge


    Okay: I got aggressive and just started pasting code in with little to no regard for the long term and ended up with exactly what I wanted!
    now has a new header! Thank you both for all of your help!
    It is much appreciated!
    Saved me!

    Thread Starter cellarridge


    For those following along at home, here is what the final header code ended up looking like:

    Glad it’s worked out for you.



    Thread Starter cellarridge


    Okay, well, how do I edit the images in the side bar on the right?

    You need to start another thread for this. Your new question is not related to the first one.

    However, you should know that the images were uploaded to your site last May, so it’s something being done locally. That would suggest that somebody your end knows how to do it.



    Thread Starter cellarridge


    Thank you for all the help. On to the next forum.



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