• I am designing themes and it seems by looking at other themes there are only two types or styles of pages. One for blogs and one for text, pics etc. like a normal webpage. Are these the only two options or are there more that I dont know of?

    When I upload a theme for people to use are there mroe than two types of pages that I can offer them?

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  • No, then there’s something called page templates, which allow you great flexibilty in styling your site.


    Thread Starter davidzs


    Is there a number to call to speak to someone bc I dont feel as if I can properly explain this question on the internet?

    Thread Starter davidzs


    So how many type of pages are there. Bc I feel like there are blogs and pages and that the only options I can provide as a theme designer?

    Can you give me names and examples?

    Thread Starter davidzs



    This seems to imply that there are only posts and pages and nothing else?

    Well, WordPress only makes a difference between pages and posts. While both are actually the same (but handled differently) pages are for more static content, while posts are for blogs.

    How you style one or the other is highly customizable.

    Why not try to explain what you’re looking for, and we can tell you whether it’s possible or not in WordPress (a warning up front: I have yet to see an application that is not possible with WordPress).


    Thread Starter davidzs


    Thats not a warning thats a breath of fresh air.

    I want to upload a theme with multiple tags and style pages that if someone wants they can upload it and have a website ready for them.

    Lets say a blog post page, fine that we know is possible.
    A page for pictures only, or pictures and text, or a page for listings, ya know all these different kinds of possibilities.
    Are all these just classified under the greater “Pages” title OR are they classified as something else?

    If they are the same is it jsut how I design it and then code it?

    Thanks for all your help

    So if I get it correctly: you want to make a one-fits-all theme, with some kind of usage-selector?


    Thread Starter davidzs


    Not really.

    I want to know when I am creating a theme how many different options I have in pages.
    Like I said are there two general page structures. 1) Blogs 2) Pages.

    Blogs obviously support blog posts, comments and such.

    Pages which can have pictures, pictures and text, galleries, or any unlimited possibilities and that all depends on the design and coding.
    OR are there different general genres for a pages and how they work and what they consist of?

    Thanks for your help

    OR are there different general genres for a pages and how they work and what they consist of?

    Not by default. Pages and posts consist of a title and content, and both are dependent on the author of that particular post/page, in all cases.

    An author can type some text, and insert a picture, or he can choose a page template (which has to be created up front) to layout the page (applies only to pages btw) to have a different layout/content/whatever.

    The styling is done through css (in the style sheet).


    Thread Starter davidzs


    “I want to create a wordpress theme with XX different pages: a homepage, a contact us page, a customer list page, a products category page, a product page, etc. CAN THAT BE DONE IN WP?”


    But: developing a theme is independent from creating actual content, you should keep that in mind (unless your content is to be VERY static = hardcoded in your template files).


    Thread Starter davidzs


    Can you explain that further?

    Thread Starter davidzs


    I am not referring to content I am referring to designs for these different pages.

    Thread Starter davidzs


    and coding


    didn’t realize you had 2 threads going…..so my advice is on the other thread

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