Moshu has no attitude. In fact, if you read the first reply to evynco’s post, Moshu stated:
“If you want paid support you should post a contact address: it is forbidden to post quotes here – read the forum rules before posting!”
In other words, hey you need help, but we don’t allow that on the forum, so post a way to be contacted and be sure to read the rules next time.
Evynco apparently though he paid 2 thousand dollars for his blog software and thought paid customer support representatives would baby him along until he learned how to not be an idiot. Posting back and saying forget it, I’m going to tell my client to switch to ___________ (insert “more stable” blog software name here) was a smart ass comment from a super empowered brain-dead user. In fact, the blog software being “more stable” has nothing to do with helpful support forums. It has to do with this ‘web designer’ not knowing anything about web design and trying to get someone to give him the code so he didn’t have to do it. This person said he was hired to build a static page that listed the latest posts from each blogger, which if he was actually a ‘web designer,’ he would know that is not considered a ‘static’ page… that would be ‘dynamic’ since it would constantly update itself.
Moshu ~ I agree with you. This person is better off just being left in the dark with his teddy bear and blanket waiting for someone to come and molest him.