• I need buyers to enter their name into a field while making their payment in Paypal because we need to have the name of the person – and it may be different from the name of the Paypal member or credit card holder.

    I’ve been looking but don’t see how I can do this. I hoped the “Customize the Note to Seller Text” would appear in the Paypal UI for them to enter their name, but I didn’t see that field when I tested by paying with my Paypal balance.

    Is there a way, please, to require a name. That is, to have text field value on my shopping cart that is passed to me? Or a field in Paypal that I can require.

    The Cart Orders listing doesn’t help because people often use other people’s computers.


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  • Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi, please check the following documentation. Let me know if this helps you.


    Thread Starter Deb Shadovitz


    Thankyou, mbrsolution. I don’t know how I missed this. It’s given me hope. (I have to launch tomorrow.)

    That example is this, to add a hidden language field.
    add_filter(‘wspsc_cart_extra_paypal_fields’, ‘append_extra_fields’);
    function append_extra_fields($output)

        //Add the PayPal language code field
        $output = '<input name="lc" type="hidden" value="US" />';
        return $output;

    I looked at PayPal for the code for a text field and found os1 per:


        //Add the PayPal language code field
        $output = '<input name="lc" type="show" value="" />';
        return $output;

    That gave me a blank text field I could type into but:

    • It falls below the Submit button
    • It didn’t pass to the PayPal payment form either logging in to pay with balance or not logging in to use a credit card.

      So I still seek guidance.

      Will this allow passing of text to PayPal so PayPal can report it to the seller?

    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi, try the following code.

    <input type=”hidden” name=”on0″ value=”First Name”>
    <input type=”text” name=”os0″ size=”20″>

    Alternative you can try the following plugin eStore. This plugin has more options for your to play with.


    Plugin Contributor mbrsolution


    Hi, sorry I could not answer your call. You happen to get me in a busy time. The above might not work too well for you.

    You might like to try the following documentation. Towards the end there is the following heading, How to Collect Special Instructions from the Customer

    However the eStore plugin has more options for you to use and perhaps it might work better for you.




    would love to know when you figure this out
    i also have some data i want to pass to paypal and to be recorded withing the order (hidden field preferred)

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