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  • Hey you guys,

    I think I found the solution:
    Just type in a ‘0’ (zero) in the API-key field (in the YouTube-form), and everything works fine.

    I just posted a sort of arty video of my friend, who talks vaguely about a vague plan… as a proof of concept ofcourse:

    It’s in Dutch, so you might not understand a word he says ??

    Hi guys, none of the messages above resolved the problem.

    I’m a self-hosted too and I’d like to “link” my youtube account to my self-hosted account, so when I post a video to WP, I just need to go to youtube and then post throught there.

    But until now youtube config still with the message “We are fetching your blog information… please wait”

    I have a API key from wordpress.COM and my askimet plugin works fine with that but youtube not.

    How can I add the API key to a specific user o WP?

    I suspect the problem is at YouTube’s end. I can’t think of any reason they should be asking for an API key; all they ought to need is all you need for any remote blog posting interface: username, password and XMLRPC URL.

    I’ve dropped them a note; we’ll see if I get a reply, and I’ll share it if I do.



    ack. pretty easy guys.

    painfully easy/obvious.

    completely ignore youtube api key registration. no need whatsoever.

    i snooped around and saw lots of people recommending turning off rich editor. dont know if this makes a difference, but i did it anyways.

    create your post. then go to whatever youtube video you want. now the painfully obvious part i was missing – just look for the “embed” text box to the right of the video – top and center. copy and paste this code right into your editor on wordpress.



    here is an example:



    lol… pretty sure that’s what I said to do in my first reply…

    must not have said it right!



    pretty sure that’s what I said to do in my first reply

    *sigh* You get used to it around here.

    Aloha folks, yes what you say is a work around, but not a solution to getting so you can blog directly to your blog from YouTube. That’s crazy, I mean why have a “WordPress Hosted” option if it simply doesn’t work?

    Hi all, thanks for the tip of copying the embedded-code-and-paste-to-code-editor-tip. It works perfectly saved me a lot of searching time and well, self-doubt…

    The Viper’s Video Quicktags plugin worked the best for me. So much simpler than hunting down an API key!

    I’m getting basically the same thing here… I was asked for the API, so I registered at for the username only and inserted my API key – it tells me I’m using the wrong username/password on youtube for the blog on my site, which I’m not, so I don’t know where to get the API it’s asking for…

    andrabr’s post basically answered the question, and for the API key, just leave that field blank, and it will work fine…

    Hi there… It works me with these informations:

    1. Blog Service: WordPress-Self-Hosted
    2. Username: Your Admin for self-hosted site
    3. Password: Your Pswd for self-hosted site
    4. API URL: https://www.blogsite/xmlrpc.php
    5. API KEY: the key received from

    Works fine!

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