Hi @transferhot,
Thanks for your review. As I have mentioned before, and as you have eluded to, the integrity of voting is important to the far far majority of people (I think just you and 2-3 other people have raised this as an issue). The risk of the ability of someone to vote a million times on one idea just makes voting pointless without some kind of check in place. Because otherwise how can you trust that the ratings are fair, they just become meaningless? With that said, just because the plugin asks people for a name and email, it doesn’t mean people need to enter in real details. There’s nothing stopping someone putting in a fake name and email, and if you want you can even change the messaging of the plugin to encourage that. In fact there’s nothing stopping you hiding the registration fields, pre-filling the fields with nonsense, and then changing the button labels using javascript so that way the user doesn’t know a hidden profile is created for them – and that would certainly be anonymous.
So please consider the options that are available.
With that said I have actually developed a forked version of the plugin which does allow anonymous voting and I did this as custom work for a client. So if you are interested in this I can offer this to you for a reasonable price. I want to emphasise part of what I just said then, I said forked version of the plugin, emphasis on forked. The reason it was forked is because it is very very difficult to have like an option to turn anonymous voting on in the plugin. The reason there’s not pure anonymous voting is not because I don’t believe in it, or because I am evil or something, but because it’s too difficult with how the plugin is currently designed, and the most effective way to achieve that is with a separate forked plugin. I think you have the impression that this is like a 30 minute exercise to get this going and I am “stubborn” about the utility of the feature – that is absolutely not true. If it was a 30 minute exercise, or even if it was a 6 hour exercise it would be done. But that is not the case, it requires a separate version of the plugin to get this to work.
So please consider what I have said, and please consider your review of my free plugin I am offering. I am able to help you with some of the options I have mentioned.
Thank you,