Thanks for your reply, believe me, i read everything in FAQ!
I just want to see how to generate a PDF document from a page. I saw the code in the FAQ but im not quite sure how to use it. I just need an example of the code that we should write in a page to generate a simple PDF. Let’s say, this simple example :
% Example LaTeX document for GP111 – note % sign indicates a comment
% Default margins are too wide all the way around. I reset them here
\title{LaTeX Typesetting By Example}
\author{Phil Farrell\\
Stanford University School of Earth Sciences}
\renewcommand{\today}{November 2, 1994}
This article demonstrates a basic set of LaTeX formatting commands.
Compare the typeset output side-by-side with the input document.
taken from https://pangea.stanford.edu/computing/unix/formatting/latexexample.php
I’ve worked a bit with LaTeX before, however I’m not sure how to implement it on WordPress.
Thanks again!