• I have a site with about 1000 how to articles which I expect to grow a lot in the next year or so. I am the only author and I am getting lagged on writing because of image management.

    Each post has at least an introductory image that is used for thumbnails.

    Within the post some images are now in the Media Library if they are Generic but if they are specific to the post then I end up manually uploading them to a directory and then I have a very old plugin that I believe Matt wrote that grabs the images from the post and renames them and throws them in a directory. It use to be able to grab images from other sites that were linked in a post but I don’t have it doing that now and https is a trouble for it.

    Anyway I don’t want to use a plugin that is called every time an image loads that would just put insane load on the site if every post had a plugin fire for each post image. I already have a pretty trim install because of load.

    I also don’t want to get locked into a plugin because you know developers end up having things called lives and they lose interest in supporting them or they only support a commercial version or they only develop for themselves. There is nothing wrong with that but I don’t want to get locked into a plugin that manages my entire site’s images and then have to spend huge amounts of time finding another method.

    I am expecting to spend a ton of time fixing this problem and don’t want to experience it again in a year or so.

    So I don’t think the basic gallery is going to cut it for me but having images in folders that I FTP to and then hard link to is not going to be fun while writing.

    If anyone has any suggestions I would really appreciate it my eye sight isn’t so great anymore since I caught the thing last winter and I expect this job is going to place a huge burden on it. It might get to the point where I just give up on it and unfortunately this site is a good portion of my income although small amount.

    Thank you very much for your time and consideration
    and any tips you can send my way.

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  • I understand the apprehension with plugins, but I don’t agree with you these days. Real businesses, with real products and real support and reals licenses provide the products these days.

    If you don’t want to use a plugin, then your option is to use the native gallery block from Gutenburg.

    Name your images properly before upoloading for one thing – I use this all the time and it rocks:

    Thread Starter Davod


    thank you for your reply but you don’t seem to understand my use of images are in post images and not galleries of images.

    The posts are how to articles and the image brings context to the how to article such as providing step by step help information in text and then showing the task being completed with an image.

    I am not building a fu fu artsy la la bullshi… site to sell scented lotions and candles. HAHAHAHAHAAHA

    no offense if that is what you do.

    Also i have been doing this since before wordpress was wordpress so i am fully experienced in developers that suddenly with no announcement walk away from their projects. That and server load is of extreme importance.

    but thank you again

    I might look into those options if i ever start selling scented candles and pashminas

    Honestly i truly appreciate your reply. If nothing else it allows me to explain again a little better that I am not looking for a frontend solution I am looking for a method of sorting thousands of images while writing posts in a way that won’t take me 25 minutes to scroll through a media library just to insert a contextual image to explain a difficult concept.

    thanks again

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