• dmaher


    I’ve got a working blog and what I want is for the user to be able to enter their post in a number of different languages. So if I’m writing a post, I have the box to put the English version in, and also another box to put a French version in. When I hit submit, they both save to the database and it displays only the posts in the language of preference for the user. So if I select French, I get the French posts, and when selecting English I get the English posts. Is there anything out there? I’m afraid this is way too complicated for me to hack together so if there’s nothing available I reluctantly have to omit it from my project. Thanks.

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  • MichaelH


    You might also consider one of the translation plugins Translation_and_Languages or a widget.

    Thread Starter dmaher


    Ya, checked those and didn’t see anything to fit what I’m looking for. Most of them translate after the entry is made.



    the same!
    i want to add an arabic interface to my blog and the ability to add post in english interface or arabic one!
    so when a user click lets say https://mydomain.com/ar will see the arabic interface (sidebar on the left, right to left text(rtl) …etc)
    and when the reader enter https://mydomain.com or https://mydomain.com/en will see the original blog..
    any ideas!

    Thread Starter dmaher





    Gengo does eaxctly that – which means you didn’t really check out the reference given to you! A behaviour that is very much not appreciated in this support forum…

    One small difference about Gengo: you cannot post the English post AND the French post in the same time (technically impossible!), but if you have both texts, just publish the English text and right after that make a new post marked “this is a translation of…XXX post”, select it’s language and post your French version.

    Thread Starter dmaher


    I did check out Gengo, it breaks my page whenever I upload gengo.php. It’s just that one file, if it’s on my server, my site reloads as just a white page. When I delete it from the server the site reloads and I can see everything.



    Then there is something wrong with how do you install Gengo… or something else.
    I have a description here about a successful multilingual site – with links to the example site.

    Thread Starter dmaher


    I simply extracted the files from the zip file and then uploaded the files in that directory to the mu-plugins folder with all the rest. It’s not that complicated. The only explanation for it is that it’s not supported with the mysql or PHP versions on my server.



    The other very possible explanation is that if you are using the MU version – you are in the wrong forum ??


    I’d check with the plugin author if the plugin works with WP MU.

    Thread Starter dmaher


    I’ve decided to switch to regular WordPress for this specific project just because of the multilanguage plugins. So I’m trying to get Gengo going but the line in the readme.txt which says, “3. Add the languages you wish to use on the configuration screen. The first language you add will be the default language, and all existing posts will be marked as being written in this language. For English, use the locale en_US, which is WordPress’ default.” is ambiguous. I don’t know what this means, there’s no configuration screen in the admin panel for WordPress. Here are the 5 steps I pulled it from….

    == Installation ==

    1. Copy the gengo directory in the zip file to wp-content/plugins/
    2. Activate the plugin on the plugin screen.
    3. Add the languages you wish to use on the configuration screen. The first language you add will be the default language, and all existing posts will be marked as being written in this language. For English, use the locale en_US, which is WordPress’ default.
    4. Change your wp-config.php file by hand so that WPLANG is the locale of your default language.
    5. If a Gengo localisation .mo file is available for your language, also add this to the Gengo directory.

    is ambiguous. I don’t know what this means, there’s no configuration screen in the admin panel for WordPress.

    But there is for Gengo. After installing and activating the plugin, when you are in the Dashboard – there is a menu item: Gengo. Click.
    It should take you to the first submenu of it > Languages.
    Scroll down… till you see Add languages. The first one that you add will be the default…etc.

    And don’t forget to edit your config file to reflect this choice: i.e. if English (en_US) is chosen for default in the Gengo admin page > change the line in wp-config:
    define ('WPLANG', ''); to
    define ('WPLANG', 'en_US');

    Thread Starter dmaher


    Ah, I was running WordPress 1.5 and it didn’t give the configuration page after activating it. Once I installed 2.0.5, all is well.

    One question more here: Can someone explain me step by step how to “change your wp-config.php file by hand so that WPLANG is the locale of your default language.” I don’t even know where exactly I find my wp-config.php…. I am a very green WP newbie ??

    wp-config.php is at the main directory of your wordpress installation. “By hand” means that you must get acess to your server, and edit the file.
    To do that, you must use a ftp client or ssh client. Open the file, edit that line, save … log out ??

    Apparently, Gengo website is down. ??

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