Not sure whether you had found the solution yet or there are other similar posts but I thought it would be good for others to know the solution as well.
There are two ways of doing it:
– Go to the ‘Group Options’ (the gear icon).
– Select the ‘Theme’ tab.
– In the ‘Theme xpath’, type the ID/class of the selector in your layout where you wish to insert the group in.
– Select an ‘Action’, then Save.
Insert the below code where you want the group to show:
navt_getlist($sNavGroupName, $bEcho=true, $sTitle='', $sBefore='ul', $sAfter='/ul', $sBeforeItem='li', $sAfterItem='/li')
Adjust it according to your needs.
For more info, see the file called ‘navt_manual.html’ from the ‘help’ folder in the NAVT plug-in directory.