Ok so your home page is using the latest posts module, that doesn’t have pagination. It’s not designed to, if you want pagination on the home page you have to make the home page you latest posts page in the wordpress reading settings. Then in the homepage layout manager of the theme options enable the page content and disable the latest posts module. That will then give your home page pagination.
I don’t really recommend this though, the theme was designed to have a few blog posts on the home page with images sliders and everything else, not for the home page to be your blog page. either way you can experiment.
As for the blog page, I didn’t see you main blog page, can you link to that page? I did see that that categories have pagination just fine so not sure how you blog page doesn’t…
Two tutorials you can look at that might help explain are : https://www.kadencethemes.com/creating-a-home-page-with-virtue/
Kadence Themes