• tim534


    I’m trying to modify Tinytheme. I’d like to change the navigation so it shows the name of the previous post instead of “Previous Entry” (and likewise for “Next Entry.”) I thought it would be as easy as removing the following code from index.php:

    <p class="nav"><span class="prev"><?php posts_nav_link( '', '', __('« Previous Entry','bnTiny') ) ?></span>
    <span class="next"><?php posts_nav_link( '', __('Next Entry »','bnTiny'), '' ) ?></span></p>

    …and replacing it with the following from the WP Codex…

    <?php previous_post('&laquo; &laquo; %', '', 'yes'); ?>
    | <?php next_post('% &raquo; &raquo; ', '', 'yes'); ?>

    …but no dice. (I only get the “|”… nothing else) (note: I’m not worried about the style right now, just want to get the PHP stuff working…)

    What did I do wrong?… What’s the right code? Thanks in advance!

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