• Resolved Eliasen79


    Hi, thanks for this amazing theme. It is great.
    I would like to ask how to move the nav-bar underneath the header, so the header is on top and navbar just underneath the header.
    Many thanks

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  • Open your file header.php (appearance—>editor–>Header.php) and put this lines :

    [ Moderator note: please wrap code in backticks or use the code button. ]

    <?php do_action( 'bp_before_main_nav' ); ?>
    <nav class="main-nav iegradient" id="main-navigation" role="navigation">
    <div class="innerwrap">
    <?php if( has_nav_menu('primary') ):
    wp_nav_menu( array( 'theme_location' => 'primary', 'container' => false, 'menu_class' => 'sf-menu', 'fallback_cb' => '','walker' => new Custom_Description_Walker ));
    echo '<ul class="sf-menu">';
    echo wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=0&title_li=');
    echo '';
    <!-- NAVIGATION END -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_main_nav' ); ?>

    Before this line :

    <!-- HEADER START -->

    Then delete this same lines after :

    <!-- HEADER END -->
    <?php do_action( 'bp_after_header' ); ?>

    Make you had make a backup of your theme before do this !!!

    Thread Starter Eliasen79


    Ok thanks so much for your reply! I will try this as soon as I can.
    Again, thank you ??

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    No no no, don’t do that. ??

    Create a child theme of your theme, activate that new child theme, make a copy of the original theme’s header.php file into the child theme directory and then make those changes in the child theme copy.


    That’s a much safer way to edit the header.php file and when the parent theme updates then you will not lose your work.

    Theme Author Richie KS


    yeap, child theme is better and safer.
    there’s a child theme inside the theme, just moved it to themes root and activate mesocolumn child theme instead and follow the edit solution above.

    Thread Starter Eliasen79


    Ok thank you so much for all the answers. I have not gotten to it yet, but will look into it today.
    Thanks for the support!


    I had this working in an earlier version of the theme, but its not working now. The two versions of the header.php theme files look significantly different. So I can’t seem to replicate what I did in the old header.php file I have into the new.

    I’ve tried the above using a header.php file in a child theme. But no change.

    Hi, I followed the instructions above after creating a child theme but it didn’t work..any obvious things I may have missed?

    I have already altered the header by uploading a logo – does this matter?


    @izzuk00: If you require assistance then, as per the Forum Welcome, please post your own topic.

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