• lncc


    Hello friends

    I have a problem with the Captions of my imagines at the native WP Gallery.

    When I upload a new photo to the media gallery or directly to the home gallery the caption that I write go out when I update the page.

    I try to solve with the desactivate of all the plugins but nothing solve.
    I contact with my hosting too (Siteground) and tell me that all are ok and the can′t help me ′cos all the technical part of the hosting is ok.

    I try cleaning the cache too.

    Any idea?

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  • Jarret


    Do you have a live example of where this is happening? Looking at the site listed in your profile I see the captions below each of the images.

    Thread Starter lncc


    Hello Jarret, Thnx for the answer

    Now at my homepage I have the galery with all de caption complited, but the problem is that I can′t add caption to the new photos that I upload.

    The reason that you don′t see any photo with out caption is ′cos I dalete all the new imagines that I upload. I don′t want that the home look bad ′cos I′m doing social promotion at this moment.

    So,,,The problem is:

    If I upload a new photo to Media or upload directly to the gallery the caption that I write go out when I add to the gallery or when I update the home. If I try to use “previews view” the caption (of the new one photo) go out to.
    I try it in a new page “test-1 for example” and the same happen.

    If later I go to Media again to see that all is correct the photo is there, but the caption that I written is erasing, but the alt, title, url, and all the other info is ok. Only the caption is erased.

    It′s the first time that this happend to me.

    I desable all the plugins and I have the Twenty Sixteen Theme update.
    My Hosting say that all is correct at their side (I use SiteGorund)

    Thanx I hope I can solve soon.



    Which editor are you using? I’m using the latest (Gutenberg) and adding captions to images in a gallery is working for me. This is what my screen looks like

    View post on imgur.com

    Thread Starter lncc


    I try with both. The all editor and try gutemberg too.

    Happend the same with both.

    I start think that te problem is the CSS code that I used.

    If I add a new photo that I added many time before at Media (with the caption complite) I haven′t any problem.

    But If I add a new one and write the css style that I have for the caption text start the problem.

    I see that If I write a normal caption…with out CSS style…..Caption: Imagen1 for example…It′s show it when I update.

    But If I add this: (my old CSS style for Caption)

    h3 style=”text-align: center;”>FOTOGRAFíA BOUDOIR </ h3>Descubre nuestra guía de Fotografía Boudoir y las imágenes más sugerentes.<p style=”text-align: center;”

    Start the problems

    NOTE: I edit the code ′cos the interface show you the result. I add some spaces and delate the open/close code.

    This CSS style work in my all photos. If I add a photo that I upload 1 month ago (for example) and I have this CSS code in it,,,not problem….The problem is from 2 days ago.




    Hmm, do you have a test page you can publish on the site that isn’t listed on your menus and replicate the issue there?

    I’m not sure why the CSS inline style would affect a new caption. Also if you need to post code without it being formatted, you can use the code button in this editor. Just click on it, paste in your code, then click the button again to close it and continue typing.

    Thread Starter lncc


    <h3 style="text-align: center;”>FOTOGRAFíA BOUDOIR</a></h3>Descubre nuestra guía de Fotografía Boudoir y las imágenes más sugerentes.<p style="text-align: center;">

    This is the code. Work at the all photos,,,but not in the new uploaded,,,,,,



    Ok, what happens when you try adding that? Do you get any sort of error or does it just seem to update successfully but then the preview on the actual site shows no content?

    Thread Starter lncc


    The second one

    If I update the page or go to preview the image caption go out.
    Somethimes the caption is erasing during I write the othres things like Alt, url,,,,I write caption and sudenlly don′t show. (during I edit the image info at media or in the gallery setup)

    If it is seen on the page (during I′m editing the page) the caption go out when I update or previw the page.

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