• Hello chaps,

    I’m posting here my idea since I read on another thread that ideas area is dead and it would be preferable to post in request and feedback section.

    So here we are…

    It would be awesome to implement a native function in WP that creates easy converters (like pounds to kg, miles to meters, etc. but also numeral to roman numbers etc.)

    Something userfriendly with a shortcode.

    Something customizable in admin part… so we add ourselves the values.

    I know there’s plenty of plugins for that, but there aren’t userfriendly, not customizable, and pretty heavy.
    A plugin existed for roman to numeral conversion, but it’s not available anymore… another one exists for some conversions but it’s not exhaustive enough.

    Thanks a lot for considering this.

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  • The observed ideology is that only really central and primary mechanisms go into core, if the functionality can be done in a plugin then that is where it should be.

    A plugin existed for roman to numeral conversion, but it’s not available

    Why ? If it fell too far behind to be compatible with present WordPress then here is a chance to adopt it and bring it up to rev.

    another one exists for some conversions but it’s not exhaustive enough.

    In an open source world, here is the opportunity to extend it and make it exhaustive.

    Maybe what is required is an analysis as to why the existing offerings are not user friendly. And what would make them so.

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