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  • Hello benzon,
    I’m sorry but I never had this issue, so I’m not able to reproduce it.
    As you may understant, the error is located in the TitanFramework core, so I can’t really do anything to “fix it”.
    Maybe it is plugin or theme conflict.
    Please let me know

    Thread Starter benzon


    It is actually a issue with this plugin.

    Figured it out you did not include the class-option-us-license.php, took the framework folder from the other plugin that uses Titan Framework and voilar it worked.

    I’m not sure to understand what the problem was.

    As explained in the TitanFramework documentation, the only requiered file to use TF as an embeded option framework is titan-framework-embedder.php.

    require_once( 'titan-framework/titan-framework-embedder.php' );

    That’s the reason why I said the issue wasn’t in the plugin, but in TF itself.

    If I understand what you say, you are using TitanFramework as a standalone plugin, right? So it is a conflit with the embed version of TF and it standalone version?

    Thread Starter benzon


    No i got a Social button plugin called Ultimate Social Deux

    But like i said using there version of the framework fixed the issue, but still it’s a wird thing since the framework should not do stuff like this.

    But i repported it to the devs to but doubt there will be any action, they seem slow to read there issues on github.

    Ok, thanks.
    Can you please share your fix to help others who might have the same issue?

    Thread Starter benzon


    Sure just used abit more time to locate the issue.

    It’s actually that they not did a conditional loading on the file called class-option-us-license.php, this is not part of the framework, but rather a addition from the guys that created Ultimate Social Deux.

    The fix is rather simple, locate the Titan Framework copy, it to the Titan Framework folder in Adblock Notify by b*web.

    This is a “fix” not a clean fix, since there logo and stuff will show up, since they did not add conditional loading, i will notify the devs of Ultimate Social Deux about there slobby coding.

    Ok, well, so finally the issue is located in Ultimate Social Deux plugin (which is a premium addon).
    Thanks for your feedback.

    Thread Starter benzon


    Yep premium addon that clames they use best practice not a wize idea to say stuff like that when you clearly are not using the best practice hehe ??

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