Name of payment method no longer being provided
In a recent update to Woopayments, the name of the payment method is no longer being provided or at least is being provided in a different way that prevents my website fromr reading it.
On my site I have the different payment methods of
- Woopayments (credit card / debit card)
- PayPal
- Advanced card processing – credit cards using PayPal
Now for some reason the (2) and (3) payment methods provide their names of “PayPal” and “Advanced card processing – credit cards using PayPal” to my website plugins, but (1) Woopayments (credit card/debit card) does not. When the website user goes to pay, he/she sees the icon for the Woopayment payment method but not text saying “credit card/debit card”.
This is only a recent problem, so you must have changed something.
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