• I just upgraded to Mystique 2.4.2 this morning, and now my top navigation bar is not showing correctly (blue links in vertical order instead of the nice nav bar that was there before)…so I’ve disabled the nav bar temporarily, but want it back. How can I fix this?


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  • I have the same problem. Can anyone help?

    I have the same problem, had to disable the nav bar

    I reinstalled it and all works well.

    the same problem here!

    it’s there not a solution?

    help pls

    Updated to WP 3.0

    Everything fine

    The updated the theme

    Now borked as above – deleted them and reinstalled – still borked …

    Theme removed as unusable in its current state – shame as I reckon it to have been fine until this theme update

    Had same nav-menu issue. For me it was a style sheet issue. The new 2.4.1 style.css has changed the ul#navigation to ul.navigation. After changing all ul#navigation to ul.navigation nav-menu works fine.

    Also be aware to use your custom menu is now two step process 1) set custom menu in Appearance->Mystique Setting->Navigation and 2) set Them Locations on Appearance->Menus

    Hope this helps

    I simply activated some other theme (deactivated Mystique), then reactivated Mystique and all was restored back to normal.
    I had to set the menu of course. Both in Mystique settings and in menu settings iN WordPress 3.0.

    Regards, Niko

    I’m still having trouble with this. I have WordPress 3.0 installed, and have tried switching to a new theme, and even re-installing WordPress, burt no luck.

    Does anyone have some step-by-step instructions for this?

    if you see blue, unstyled links, then it’s either browser cache thing, or the style.css file didn’t get updated (or you copied the old one over)

    Thanks – I can see the blue links, but can you offer a solution to the style.css issue? I have literally updated the old version of Mystique, and nothing else!


    Is there anyway to go back to previous version of Mystique? I have downloaded 2.4.2 and so many problems on my blog,info in sidebars not correct,can’t change color of fonts in header, etc and no changes on design possible.

    how to do instal the older version of mystiwue theme..?

    i can’t find the older version of this theme, there is allways the newest(2.4.2)..

    help pls..

    Don’t think your theme is broke when 3.0 updated how themes interact with WP. Just do the following that Tim mentioned and you’re set.

    Also be aware to use your custom menu is now two step process:
    1) set custom menu in Appearance->Mystique Setting->Navigation
    2) set Them Locations on Appearance->Menus

    Love the theme, keep it coming!

    Joshua Jones

    Hi there. We have tried all the steps u have mentioned but no luck.
    Here is the blog https://www.ecomallorca.net/blog In our case we just see the top menu when clicking on the posts.

    I have 2 proposals:
    Someone recording a video showing the steps to get the menu bar back.
    Someone posting their blogs where we could check it is working properly.

    Please mystique try your best to explain a solution. Thanks in advance

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