• I have three template in my page editor in addition to the ones that come with the TwentyFourteen theme. They are each marked with an *
    They say:
    “*Sales Funnel Template”
    “*Squeeze Page – One Column” &
    “*Squeeze Page – Two Column”

    I also have one called “Blank Template” not default template (that’s there too). It doesn’t have an “*” but I know that’s not supposed to be there either.

    They are not in my other blog which uses the same theme which makes me think they may have been added by a plugin. I have deactivated ALL my plugins to try to figure out where they are coming from, but they ARE STILL THERE.

    Can you help me figure out how they got here and how to modify them?
    PLEASE ??

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  • Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Can you help me figure out how they got here and how to modify them?

    Try switching to another theme and then do these steps.

    1. Using FTP or whatever filemanagement tools your host has provided you with navigate to the wp-content/themes directory.
    2. Once there locate and make a backup copy of the existing twentyfourteen directory. This is just for safe keeping (backups are your friend).
    3. Once that backup is made then deleted that twentyfourteen directory. Just that one directory and nothing else.
    4. In your WordPress dashboard https://your-URL-here/wp-admin/theme-install.php and re-add Twenty Fourteen.

    Once you’ve gotten a fresh copy of Twenty Fourteen then activate it and see if those mystery templates are still there.

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