• I just updated to 3.8, and then updated my bbpress forum, but I’m having an issue where people who want to use the forum can’t login in to register on Word Press.

    The way it works now (I think) is that if you’re not registered with WP and you come to my site https://www.chumplady.com — you do NOT see the option in the right-hand side bar for “Chump Chat” forum.

    If you ARE registered, you should see it.

    People tell me they are registering and do not see the forum option. It’s a very awkward way to run a forum, but this problem is twofold a) I’m not geeky and haven’t figured out a way to register folks with a button on site and b) keeping it private suits the subject matter — being chumped by infidelity.

    These are the (non-working) instructions the developer who set it up gave me below. Can anyone tell me what I’m doing wrong here? Thank you!

    The instructions:

    People can register and sign in using the standard wp-login page, the same one
    you use to log into your WordPress dashboard (https://www.chumplady.com/wp-
    admin). Even if they do use the same login page, as the registered users have
    no admin privileges, their ‘Dashboard’ looks completely different (way more

    In order to register they just need to click ‘Register’ on the login page, and
    enter a username and an email address. That’s how the already registered users
    have registered, and the registration is shared between WordPress and bbPress.
    The already registered users do have access to the forums right now, and the
    new ones will need to register (and login) using that page. I believe there
    are some WordPress widgets to add a link to the login/register page on the
    front page’s sidebar.

    When the users are not logged in, the https://www.chumplady.com/forums/ url
    will show “No forums found”. When they *are* logged in, that same url shows
    the main “Chump Chat Forum”, and the “child” forums (General, Resources and
    Songs and Videos). From there you can click on
    the main Chump Chat or on any of the child forums. So, if people get directly
    into the forum area (https://www.chumplady.com/forums/) they won’t need to go
    to the main CL site to navigate through the forum, they can just navigate the
    forums from that page.

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