• All I recommend to take advantage of new system of statistics for WordPress. C its rates of development this plug-in becomes best of the best. Every day new possibilities are added. If you plan to develop own sites you not to do without a detailed estimation of an audience of your project.

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  • Thread Starter 1567660

    yes, whith super-cache mystat is counting hits…

    Thread Starter 1567660

    version 2.2

    * [+] Report “Countries” from “Geography”
    * [*] Fix bugs

    Search Phrases are always BLANK no entries. Most important to me.
    All the “Jumps from” are also always showing nothing.

    All else work fine. Some manual someplace with better explanation of what some of the figures are would help. Been using analytics for years but this program sure leaves some guess work to what some of the terms mean.

    Does the “Search Phrases” or Search Phrases by date work for anyone???

    Any other programs out there that work to collect search phrases? I like the rest of this program but don’t understand why just this part is buggy.

    search phrases missing here too. it did work and then I tried worpress.com stats but didn’t like that and went back to mystat and then search phrases didn’t work anymore…

    is there a fix for this?



    Jumps from search engines doesn’t work either.

    If anyone can recommend another stats solution that gives good stats it’s be appreciated…



    Well its been over a month now with no solution, suggestions or even a reply from the author.

    Still can’t get “search phrases ” to show anything.

    Can anyone recommend another program to collect this information? Mystats bugs are not fixed, addressed and no update available.

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