• I am using centos 6 64bit. mysql 55 php53. I get the following warning

    [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. INSERT... ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE on a table with more than one UNIQUE KEY is unsafe Statement: INSERT INTOwp_options(option_name,option_value,autoload) VALUES ('scep_phpcode_shareprice', 'if(!require_once(\"MagicParser.php\")){\n echo \"Error has occured. Please contact Support\";\n}else{\n $filename = \"https://ir1.euroinvestor.com/asp/ir/xmlirmultiiso5.aspx?companyid=281497\";\n MagicParser_parse($filename,\"myRecordHandler2\",\"xml|EuroInvestorQuotes/DATA/\");\n}\n \n function myRecordHandler2($record)\n {\n echo \"<span class=\'share\'><strong>Last Price: </strong>\". $record[\"QUOTE\"] .\"</span><br>\";\n echo \"<span class=\'share\'><strong>Total Volume: </strong>\". $record[\"VOLUME\"] .\"</span><br>\";\n echo \"<span class=\'share\'><strong>Percent (+/-): </strong>\". $record[\"CHANGE\"] .\"</span><br>\";\n }', 'yes') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATEoption_name= VALUES(option_n



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