Hi, since no one really seemed to answer seroxatmad’s first question, i will give you a solution…go into your word press directory on FTP and find the file named “version.php” in the directory “wp-includes”. Open that file, and about line 42 or so, you should see something like this “$required_mysql_version = ‘5.0’;”
Change the 4 to a 5 and your Word Press website will work and allow upgrades. There is no need to upgrade your MySQL and that is a very bad idea because it may break other things running off databases that are not word press, and shared hosting accounts won’t let you generally.
Officially, new releases of Word Press have abandoned testing for MySQL prior to 5, however, it still works, they just don’t test it anymore, so don’t want to say they support it. In my experience, there are no functions in the new Word Press that your old MySQL won’t work with though. So, there you go…a little late, but just saw this thread.