If Marcus (the plugin developer) felt that this review needed to be checked by a moderator, he is (I am sure) fully aware of how to achieve this. There are no plans, at this time, to institute such a “report button” in these forums. Speaking from a purely personal perspective, I have to say where such a report button is available on every forum that I’ve managed, they’ve been nothing but a source of abuse and irritation.
However, a poor review based upon rather shaky grounds is not a reason to “report” it. Unfortunately, that kind of review comes with the territory of making a plugin (or a theme) available to a wider community who may not understand some of the technical issues behind both WordPress and the plugin concerned. Marcus’ reply is an excellent example of how to deal with such reviews in a calm & professional manner. I am sure that the plugin’s other glowing reviews more than make up for this one.
Therefore, I feel that leaving this topic open offers no benefit to the wider community and I am now closing it.