MichaelH, thanks for the reply. I actually did post my query last month but never got a reply – here’s it again:
I wrote a plugin to sort by up to 4 Custom Fields. I use the posts_orderby and posts_join filters. The posts_orderby part of the plugin is straightforward:
$orderby = $sortfield1.’,’.$sortfield2…etc Also has an option for ASC and DESC
The JOIN part goes like this:
LEFT JOIN wp_postsmeta AS $sortfield1 ON ID = post_id AND $sortfield1.meta_key = $sortfield1
This is actually in a loop to create up to 4 JOIN clauses depending on how many custom fields you want to sort by.
The problem is that 1 JOIN is okay, but upon adding the second JOIN my database query goes from < 1 second to 30 seconds or more. Additional JOIN clauses beyond two add a few more seconds.
I’m running MySQL 3.23.
I posted a question on the forums at MySQL and they immediately suggested using an index for the on the meta_key columns.