• Resolved ramirojr


    The setup of my blog (wordpress 206) needs an useroline plugin (- WP-UserOnline -) that runs 100% under my localhost.
    However, while installing this plugin under host-server (on air), I received this message:

    WordPress database error: [You have a sintaxe error on your SQL …… near to ‘ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1’ line 1]
    CREATE TABLE ra_useronline ( timestamp int(15) NOT NULL default ‘0’, userid int(10) NOT NULL default ‘0’, username varchar(150) NOT NULL default ”, displayname varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”, useragent varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”, ip varchar(40) NOT NULL default ”, location varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”, url varchar(255) NOT NULL default ”, type enum(‘member’,’guest’,’bot’) NOT NULL default ‘guest’, UNIQUE KEY useronline_id (timestamp,username,ip,useragent)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/users/rxxxxx/wp-includes/wp-db.php:104) in /home/users/rxxxxx/wp-includes/pluggable-functions.php on line 270″

    It means:
    1) first of all, that my localhost (in my test environment) is OK and
    2) second, that there are an error on external server (something relevant on MySQL configuration or database created for my personal use on my blog in the external server):
    a) This is the same problem that I have when I try to configure wordpress to accept registered users (in System Admin, Options, users);
    b) And, more than this, the same error I have when I try to install wordpress (for the first time, in the second step – “now, we are going do create tables”).
    –> I solved the problem on item (a) closing users registration form – this is not the right way, but this is a procedure to avoid problems while I ‘m trying to understand what is going on.
    –> I solved the problem on item (b) forcing the first password (the password of ADMIN manually and – after that crippled instalation changing the password).

    All problems are around that MySQL error a–> You have an error… 1064…

    How can I solve this problem on MySQL – this is not a specific WordPress problem, I think, but, can someone help me?
    Many tks.

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  • This looks to me like you have an old version of MySQL on the server and that the plugin depends on a newer version of MySQL (my guess is v5, but I haven’t checked it out).

    What versions of MySQL are you running both on your local server and on the remote machine?

    Thread Starter ramirojr


    In my localhost, I have MySql 5.0 and my web-server – they have 4.3
    I assure You that they doens’t know nothing… (lol)
    My problem is how to help then… it is crazy, I know. That is why I’m looking for help here in this forum… (lol)

    My best guess here is that you’re stuck unless you can get your web host to use MySQL 5.0, as the WP-UserOnline plugin appears to require 5.0. You’ll have to ask your host to do this.

    Unless anyone else knows a better solution…

    Just so you know, a mySQL 1064 error is a version mismatch error.

    What version of mySQL are you using on your server?

    If you do not know make a file and call it info.php. Then in that file’s code, put the following:

    <? phpinfo(); ?>

    You don’t need any HMTL just that code. That will tell you the mySQL version. Or you could always log into phpMyAdmin on your server.

    But it could also be an import/export problem. Check out this thread.

    Thread Starter ramirojr


    Yes, probabily this is a version error. I agree and suspect: Yes!
    I will try to convince my Web-host to upgrade for v5 – this is a must, I think!
    Thak YOu Samboll and Peter.
    I will look for your advices.
    Much appreciated. Tomorrow I will tell you what I get.

    Thread Starter ramirojr


    Well, Fellows.
    As I told you, I convinced my HOST to upgrade to MySQL v5. We will try to do this tomorrow (Saturday) or next Monday.
    Then, we will see if my problem will sing that Casablanca’s song: “as time goes bye”!!!
    My hope is that we will solve my personal problem on the second step of WordPress installation, like this

    –> <h1><?php _e(‘Second Step’); ?></h1>
    <p><?php _e(‘Now we’re going to create the database tables and fill them with some default data.’); ?></p>

    In my case, the installation process stops here (I saw a lot of forums discussing this theme).
    Odd is, because in spite of this crippled installation where we can’t obtain a randomic password, there are a kind of by-pass…
    If we try to initialize the blog – https://xxxxxxx/blogtest/index.php -, that BLOG’s default screen appears, with Blogroll, first post, etc etc; and if we try to open the LOGIN SCREEN, the big problem stuck me:
    username -> ADMIN
    password -> Only God knows!!!!!!!

    I hope this MySQL upgrade to v5 solve this!
    Thank you, once again.
    After mysql upgrade on the HOST, I will comment about.

    How to solve the problem related above:
    – I would like to inform all of you that after a lot of hard work, we saw that there are a simple question to do (as a Colombus egg…), that is:
    –> are your PHPMYADMIN (in localhost) installed using CHARSET as UTF8?
    –> if, for some reason, your localhost (or your external HOST) has another configuration for charset (for example, LATIN1) your WordPress installation will be lost.
    –> there are no needs to upgrade MYSQL to v5 or something like that.
    If your HOST has another basic configuration of phpmyadim then UTF-8, probabily (I guess) you will be in trouble trying to install your WordPress blog.
    That is!
    Tk You all.

    Hey, that’s great that you and your host got it figured out! Could you mark this resolved, please and thanks?

    I dont know how to mark this topic as resolved…
    Can You help me?

    Please, Moderator.
    I changed my email address and, like this, I lost my old member name (ramirojr) and my old email.
    This is why I have another member name (ramirocjr) and a new email addres…
    So, please, I aks YOu as Moderator, to put this topic as resolved.

    That’s fine, sorry you’ve had troubles. HandySolo can probably fix it for you next time he’s around. Really glad things are fixed for you!

    Bravo! vkaryl,


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