mysql database restored but wordpress acting like new instal
Hi, Ive recently restored a database after accidentally deleting it. However, WordPress acts like it is a new installation and sets up a blank blog. I restored the database with the *.sql file through my hosting control center, the data base name and password are still the same. All that changed was the host name which I updated in the wp-config.php file and then uploaded.
It still comes up as a new blog rather than with all my pages, what is happening? Have i forgotten to do something?
Thanks in advance for your help
why would the hostname change after accidentally deleting a database?
try using ‘localhost’ as the hostname and make sure you are using the same table prefix in your current wp-config.
I’d suggest re-uploading the .sql and then using phpMyAdmin which should also be available via your hosting control panel, to actually inspect the database and make sure you can see the tables (and the table prefix) right there.
Hi thanks Ivovic, gave me something more to look at since i am really lost now, but I still don’t see anything wrong. I had created a new database to restore the .sql to, so i had to change the hostname from to otherwise i get a database location error with ‘localhost’. Now it takes me to a new wordpress blog.
I went into phpMyAdmin and i can see 10 tables wp_comments, wp_links, wp_options etc. and I can see this code in my current wp-config $table_prefix = ‘wp_’; so it looks like it is good?!?
What else can I do? I spent heaps of time on this website/blog and am really regretting deleting it!
ahh I understand your situation a little better now, regarding the hostname issue. GoDaddy has a lot to answer for ??
when you browse around with phpMyAdmin, do you actually see your old posts in the database?
If not, are you sure you’re:
a) restoring the backup correctly… or
b) that the backup actually has any of your old posts in it?This is what I asked my provider… can i actually see my posts… but he just said the database is just code, you cant see your posts… so what would I look for to see if i have any of the old posts restored.
Also, I don’t know if this helps but when i restore the .sql file i get the following message:
Import has been successfully finished, 8 queries executed.
SQL query: — MySQL dump 10.9 — — Host: Database: ryansWHC — —————————————————— — Server version 5.0.45-log /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT=@@CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40101 SET @OLD_CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS=@@CHARACTER_SET_RESULTS */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40101 SET @OLD_COLLATION_CONNECTION=@@COLLATION_CONNECTION */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40101 SET NAMES utf8 */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40014 SET @OLD_UNIQUE_CHECKS=@@UNIQUE_CHECKS, UNIQUE_CHECKS=0 */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40014 SET @OLD_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=@@FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS, FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0 */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40101 SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE, SQL_MODE=’NO_AUTO_VALUE_ON_ZERO’ */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows). /*!40111 SET @OLD_SQL_NOTES=@@SQL_NOTES, SQL_NOTES=0 */;# MySQL returned an empty result set (i.e. zero rows).
I don’t know enough about it to tell you what those lines mean, unfortunately…
but I can tell you how to see if your posts are in the database, using phpMyAdmin.
You mentioned earlier, you were able to see 10 tables, so I won’t cover getting to that point. From there, click on the wp_posts table on the left navigation bar of phpMyAdmin.
Along the top now, you should see a “browse” button. If your posts are actually there in the DB, you should be able to see short snippits of them in this view.
Don’t worry if some of them appear blank – those are probably your file/image uploads. Just make sure you can see several of the posts you’ve written, along with their titles, etc.
If you can’t… then your DB is a fresh wordpress install, not a restored backup.
Hope that helps a bit.
Yes it does help, I can see the posts once I click on browse…that was simple… I don’t know why my provider could have told me that before.
Anyway none of my posts are there. Either I’m not restoring properly, which i would be surprised because that seems simple too… Import…locate .sql file and press go. But I’m getting all that strange code so i think I’ll call up my provider again and ask them what it means and to walk me through a restore or if the .sql file is actually empty!?!
Thanks for the help. Now i know what to ask them for.
I think that’s a good idea. Lets hope the import is just failing, rather than the backup being empty.
Good luck with that, and let us know how it turns out.
Thanks for you help man. Had you not shown me how to browse my post tables I would have not know my import was not working.
Turns out the import was never going to work anyway. Once i contacted them and said “I cant see my post tables and i think the back up is empty” they sent me another .sql file and just by looking at the file-size shows they sent me something wrong in the first place…
640 KB v’s 697 bytes!!!!!Go’s to show some support people have no idea about diagnosing problems and would rather take the easy road out by saying its not a problem with ‘their’ side, go to wordpress support instead.
Thanks HEAPS, my last 3 months of work is not all lost.
hi i experienced the same situation as Ryan. I didnt change host or change domain.. simply made mistakes in erasing some files. So I tried to reinstall WP and upload the old DB.
I browsed the table and comments and they are all not empty. In term of size the .sql file is about 5 MB so I assume it should not be an empty DB.
However, I still have not had the previous posts appear again. All I got is a default new WP sites ??
can you advise me on this?
finally i managed to solve the puzzle!
i am using simple script provided by my host to automatically install and upgrade WP. i did not realize that the prefix of my database is wp_ and did not change the value as requested during the installation. No wonder it came up with new database tables!
i hope this will be useful for others.
can you show me the value of the prefix of database you’ve mentioned?am facing the same problems..but cant figure out what u are mentioning about..
thank you ^-^
Seems like a common problem.
I moved to a different server within the same hosting company and they moved my blog over to the new server with the rest of my websites but it’s not showing my blog, instead it is showing a fresh new WordPress installation.
I have spent hours with my host support (3ix and host-care) but they are telling me that I have to pay extra to one of their web designers to restore my blog for me. Basically, that it is not their problem.
Nothing has changed in the way of domain name or anything so I thought it would simply be a matter of restoring a recent back of the Sql database and I’d be good to go.
So I tried that with phpMyAdimin. It took over an hour…seems like it hung maybe. I didn’t get a message to say it was successful. I am still only seeing the fresh new WordPress installation.
In the moving wordpress instructions ( one of the steps is:
“Drop (delete) the database tables of the pre-installed Fantastico web.”
Though this is for a Fantastico method of moving, which I didn’t use, I thought it might still provide a clue. Perhaps there is somethign I need to delete to stop this fresh new WordPress Installation from showing so that my old blog can be seen.
As you can see, I have resorted to guessing now, which is not a good method to proceed so I am posting here in the hope that someone might be able to shed a bit of light on my problem.
It’s been dead almost two days now and about a thousand visitors have arrived at this dead site. I am worried that they won’t return if I don’t resolve this soon.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I had the exact same problem with a site at Verio, and I used “bigdump” I got at:
It wouldn’t transfer my edited .sql file, where I had updated the links, but it did transfer my original sql.gz file.Until then, all I got was a blank wordpress blog. It is the limitation on import size that apparently seems to stop the whole thing from getting through. What is puzzling is how I got a completely perfect blank wordpress site until then.
Now I am trying to do the same thing on GoDaddy’s servers. I can’t get it to work for some reason. It’s my headache of the day. I get a syntax error.
I have two sets of database tables, one regular set (wp_) and one backup set (wp_5u6dbo_) and my blog will only read the wp_ files. Unfortunately all my posts are on the wp_5u6dbo_ database tables. I changed hosts, I changed the name of my blog (and changed that info in my database as well) but I can’t figure out what to do with two sets of tables.
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