mysql appends second hostname?
OS: Fedora 17
Server: MySql
current site: https://www.mrverbal.comi currently have phpbb3 running, with 5 minecraft server, a murmur server, and squirrelmail. decided to add wordpress too.
created a MySql database added a user, granted all privilage, and flushed. At first it would not let me connect saying i was denied access.
ran a php script to test Mysql connect. it could connect to localhost, could see my DB. when i added user as ‘user@hostname’ it added an old hostname. i had recently chnaged it, due to a loopback error with dovecot/squirrelmail. So i was denied as ‘user@newhostname@oldhostname’. Thought this was a glitch, ran install.php again, and recieved no connection. redid wp-config.php to say user was just user, added no ‘@hostname’ to the end. Install script ran and gave me every error for lack of privilage you could think of. Went back to MySql and added just user and granted all privilages. no help. so here is what i am stuck at…WordPress
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