• Hi there, I wonder why I couldn’t save much information into Mysql database. For one column “comments”, I used “LongText” type without a specified value. Ir looked fine and but only showed 1 row of words :-). Do you have an idea of how to fix it? Thanks :-).

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  • Thread Starter hh2015


    Anyone knows why I couldn’t insert a long paragraph into a table?

    What sort of code are you using to insert the value into the database?

    Thread Starter hh2015


    In form:
    <form id=”form1″ name=”form1″ method=”post” action=”process.php”>
    <table width=”500″ border=”0″ cellpadding=”15″>
    <td width=”126″ align=”right”>Requirements:</td>
    <td width=”308″><textarea name=”inquiry” id=”inquiry” cols=”45″ rows=”5″ /></textarea></td>
    <td align=”right”> </td>
    <td><input type=”submit” name=”submit” id=”submit” value=”Submit” /></td>

    in my process file:
    $db_selected = mysql_select_db(DB_NAME, $link);

    if (!$db_selected) {
    die(‘Can\’t use ‘ . DB_NAME . ‘: ‘ . mysql_error());
    $value1 = $_POST[‘name’];
    $value2 = $_POST[’email’];
    $value3 = $_POST[‘tel’];
    $value4 = $_POST[‘inquiry’];
    $value5 = $_POST[‘security’];

    $sql = “INSERT INTO contact (name, email, tel, inquiry, security) VALUES (‘$value1’, ‘$value2’, ‘$value3’, ‘$value4’, ‘$value5’)”;

    Everything works fine I insert all info into the table. Only “inquiry” column shows only part of what I submit. Any idea?

    You should get rid of the insert code that you’re uisng and utilise the $wpdb functions. That will help a whole lot as well as making sure that you’re not using the outdated (by 10 years now) mysql_* functions that you should not be using any more.

    The standard way to debug things like this is to see what values rae being passed in to the processing function. Echo the values out and see what they are, and then check them against what’s being sent by the POST request to see where the issue is. If all of the values ra correct then look at the code that’s doing the insert, normalyl by echoing the sql query and trying that directly in phpMyAdmin.

    Oh, and when you’re pasting code, use the code button above the editor here. It will insert the code corectly and you won’t have issues with the formatting that could end up having it seem broken in here.

    Thread Starter hh2015


    Hehe, thank you for your informative reply. Could you please remind me of where I can find a good source to learn basic $wpdb functions?

    Also, I am wondering how big of data can be inserted into a table? could you write a simple code to insert all of what you wrote above into a Mysql column :-)?

    Many thanks!

    Could you please remind me of where I can find a good source to learn basic $wpdb functions?


    That’s got everything that you’ll need.

    Also, I am wondering how big of data can be inserted into a table?

    The data can be up to as large as the column type can handle. Each column type has it’s own limitations, so you’ll need to look at each of those and figure out which type suits the data that you want to store in it.

    could you write a simple code to insert all of what you wrote above into a Mysql column :-)?

    Very basic…

    $wpdb->insert ( $wpdb->prefix.'table_name', array (
    ), array (


    Also, I am wondering how big of data can be inserted into a table?

    The data can be up to as large as the column type can handle. Each column type has it’s own limitations, so you’ll need to look at each of those and figure out which type suits the data that you want to store in it.

    It’s also limited to your php execution time and overall webserver performance (given to CPU, RAM etc). With a huge insert PHP might time out because of lack of power (number of records to store in DB). But as WordPress work on top of LAMP stack, there are plenty of fallback solutions (ie PHPMyAdmin, MySQL console, FTP, SSH…)

    That’s true if you’re inserting multiple records with lots of data, but when you’re inserting one record at a time it’s going to be pretty hard to max out the memory limit, CPU or processing time. If you’re inserting a single record that goes to those sort of limits you’re doing it wrong. ??


    One record at a time, for sure or you have a Arduino downclocked to 1 Mhz ??

    More seriously, in some shared environment/shard calling php to update myqsl can crash because other people are blood sucking all resources (it’s very rare, but not impossible) – or once no more bandwith left – which gives the same result (Quad Core CPU with 8 GB DDR but no more bandwith available –> crash).

    It is rare, but that shows that you need to find a decent hosting service if they can’t provide enough resources for that.

    And you’re really getting off the topic of the OP’s thread. ??

    Thread Starter hh2015


    Did you mean like this? But there is a bug :-). Thank you.

    What I gave you is PHP code, it is not SQL code. You need to run that using WordPress. It can’t be run through MySQL directly.

    @hh2015 and catacaustic

    HH> this code must be run inside of phpmyadmin > SQL tab like in screenshot, or directly in mysql console. Again make a backup before testing.

    If you prefer this code as php and don’t want to bother with mysql, ask a friend / colleague to translate it into php you put and use directly in your WordPress folder. But again make a backup before.

    Catacaustic> neat code, I should use same wpdb query too


    I’m sorry Digico, but what are you talking about? The code that I gave was PHP code, it wasn’t ever meant to be any form of SQL.

    Thread Starter hh2015


    Hi Thank you very much for help :-)! I did run php code here(can you find the code?), but I didn’t see anything popped out? Should I still need to use a form to transfer inputs? Sorry I am only a newbie.

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