• Resolved velanche


    Hi There:
    I am working on sandboxing my WP site via MAMP so that I can make a new theme to replace the current one on my host.

    I have installed MAMP successfully on my Mac. I also exported the whole of my wordpress directory to the computer, and pointed MAMP to that wordress directory.

    The problem at the moment is the database. I have attempted several time to export my hosted site’s WP database via myPHPAdmin from the host, which gave me a 8MB file that becomes about 70MB uncompressed. I then import the database in MAMP after creating a new database there with the same name as the one from the host. I then attempted to import the hosted database to the MAMP implementation, and it seems that the tables do not show up. In fact, after the import process, the main meat of the screen is blank.

    I am not sure what, if anything, I’m doing wrong, so I welcome any assistance that can be offered.

    Thanks for reading!

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  • Can’t help you….because I’m wanting to do exactly the same thing!! And like you I can’t.

    I imagine (?) that when you install WordPress live that it writes all sorts of configurations and paths somewhere – although I’ve looked in the wp-config.php file, I can only really see database connection values, and have changed the user and password here to reflect MAMP’s localhost values (root/root) – but still no joy. I’ve also looked in the sql dump, but again can’t find anything relevant.

    My MAMP address is https://localhost:8888/wordpress but when I enter that you see it change in the address bar to https://localhost/wordpress and it says it can’t connect to localhost.

    Incidentally I downloaded my WordPress directory in two ways – first by using Deep Vacuum, a site downloader utility; and secondly via FTP. They show completely different file structures!! The Deep Vacuum download has text and content files sprayed all over the place, but at least when called in the localhost it displays…kind of! The FTP file download is much more like the kosher WordPress file structure, but won’t display anything at all…except “can’t connect to localhost”

    I’m stumped!

    @hj: It is impolite to interrupt another poster’s ongoing thread unless you are posting a solution or suggestion. It causes significant problems for the forum’s volunteers and prevents us from being able to track issues by topic. Please post your own topic.

    Let me know if these instructions are what you are looking for:

    What I had to do was delete all the wordpress that was installed /Applications/MAMP/htdocs

    Reinstall WordPress

    Launch Launch phpMyAdmin – Delete the Database you created by selecting it and re-create it.

    Begin the Install of WordPress again.

    Then export from your old site and wait till it downloads.

    Login to the new site and say import. Follow the instructions below. Hopefully this helps.


    Login to the wordpress site https://www.domain.com/wp-admin/
    Select Tools
    Select Export
    If you are prompted to install plugin – please do so at this time
    Under Export Select All Content
    Select Download Export File
    Login to the wordpress site you would like to import the data to https://www.domain.com/wp-admin/
    Select Tools
    Select Import
    Select Choose File – Select the name.blog.wordpress.2013-12-01-2.xml file (normally located in the downloads folder
    Select Upload file and Import
    Under or assign posts to an existing user: Select the User Name login to and publish your site
    Select Download and import file attachments
    Click Submit

    @velanche I guess the problem is with PHP’s file upload limits.

    Edit your php.ini file (/Applications/MAMP/conf/php<version>/php.ini), find the following lines

    upload_max_filesize =
    max_execution_time =

    If they already have values remove them and set

    upload_max_filesize = 100M
    max_execution_time = 600

    If you can’t find these lines just add them.

    Restart MAMP after you do this change and try importing again

    Thread Starter velanche


    Hi there!

    Thanks for the answers; looks as it’ll help others. In the end, I ended up going for broke straight to my hosted site, and thankfully things held together nicely.

    I’ll surely save the info given, as I may switch up the theme again at some stage.

    Thanks again!

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