Okay, I read more and created a hybrid script that’s working. It may help someone else. I was not able to do user switching to “www-data” because my setup has each account user name running rather than “www-data” and those individual users can’t run WP-CLI. It’s easier for me to just run root.
declare -a arr=(
for i in "${arr[@]}"
echo _______________________________________________________________________$
echo "**** $i ****"
cd /home/"$i"/www
echo "SET sql_mode ='ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION';" > db_optimize.sql #stops default date error
wp db query "SELECT CONCAT('ALTER TABLE ', TABLE_SCHEMA,'.', TABLE_NAME, ' ENGINE=InnoDB;') FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE ENGINE = 'MyISAM'" --skip-column-names >> db_optimize.sql
wp db query < db_optimize.sql --allow-root
rm db_optimize.sql
wp plugin install index-wp-mysql-for-speed --allow-root --activate
wp index-mysql enable --all --allow-root
echo _______________________________________________________________________$
echo ""
echo ""
This converts any tables with the MyISAM engine over to InnoDB, while ignoring the zero date errors. I received expected output:
Index WP MySQL For Speed 1.4.16
Versions Plugin:1.4.16 MySQL:5.7.44 WordPress:5.8.9 WordPress database:49752 php:7.4.33
enable wp_comments complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.06s)
enable wp_options complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.06s)
enable wp_postmeta complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.16s)
enable wp_posts complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.04s)
enable wp_termmeta complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.03s)
enable wp_usermeta complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.03s)
enable wp_users complete. (2 MySQL statements, 0.01s)