myCRED 1.3.1 Update
On October 13th myCRED 1.3.1 will be released.
This update will not contain any big features but instead focus on fixing a few bugs that got introduced in 1.3 along with improving comment points. I have also added a few new help functions for developers and re-added the myCRED_Core class to prevent customisations that rely on this class to fail.
Anyone who would like to help beta test, can always download a copy under the “Developers” tab here on
Bug Fixes:
- Some hooks fire to late due to hooks being loaded to late.
- Shopping cart settings are inaccessible due to to late hook registration.
- Notifications lack support for ‘ or ” signs causing an error which prevents notices to load.
- myCRED_Query_Log can not return a single result, requires minimum 2 to be returned or it will default to all.
- Commenter is awarded points instead of post author due to incorrect user id being passed on.
- The removal of myCRED_Core causes customisations depending on this class to fail causing a site wide error.
- Points over 999 with a non-empty thousands separator will cause hooks to award to low points.
- The use of update_blog_option() on non multi sites will cause a php notice.
- Points History page link still visible in tool bar even if history page is disabled.
- Duplicate Gateways when using Events Manager (free version).
- Users are not refunded when cancelling their event attendance in Events Manager (free & pro)
- Added logout redirect to BP when users logout from the points history page to prevent 404 errors.
- Tested with WP 3.7 Beta2
- Re added myCRED_Core class to prevent customisations from failing. Removing it outright was a bad idea. Sorry everyone, lesson learned.
- Rewrote Points for comments hook to allow points for guest comments
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