• Resolved mpanty


    Hi. I just recently installed the My Avatars plug-in on my blog, and are having trouble with where the avatar image appears in the comments section.

    I am using the default kubrick theme, and have added the MyAvatars code in the following section of my comments.php file:

    <div class="title">
    					<img class="collapseicon" src="<?php echo get_settings('siteurl'); ?>/wp-content/plugins/briansthreadedcomments.php?image=spacer.png" onclick='collapseThread("div-comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID ?>")' />
    					<cite><?php comment_type(); ?> <?php _e('by'); ?> <?php comment_author_link() ?><a href="#comment-<?php echo $c->comment_ID ?>"></a></cite> 
    <!-- MyAvatars 0.2 -->
    <div style="float: right; margin: 20px:"> <?php if (function_exists('MyAvatars')) MyAvatars(); ?> </div>
    <!-- MyAvatars 0.2 -->
    						if(function_exists('comment_subscription_status')) {
    							if (comment_subscription_status()) {
    								echo "<img alt='Subscribed to comments via email' src='".get_settings('siteurl') ."/wp-content/plugins/briansthreadedcomments.php?image=subscribed.png' />";

    As you can see I am attempting to have the image float to the right of the comments section, and have the text wrap around it. I’m still new to php coding, so apologies if the code isn’t ideal.

    In any case, the float:right seems to work fine in Internet Explorer, but not Firefox (the image appears on top of part of the text). See one of my commented threads here for reference: https://www.mcalcio.com/david-beckham-mini-biography/#comments

    Any ideas on how to fix the problem under Firefox? Suggestions on alternative coding to use to make the image align to the right? And lastly, am I pasting the MyAvatar code at the right spot?

    P.S. in case you need additional info on my comments.php file to help me with this problem, I’ve pasted the entire file here: https://wordpress.pastebin.ca/649591

    I thought I should also mention I’m using the plug-in Brian’s threaded comments as well.

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  • Thread Starter mpanty



    Thread Starter mpanty


    Follow-up: I changed the code for the float:right command: instead of integrating it in comments.php, I inserted the following in my style.css file (as outlined in the plugin install instructions):

    	float	: 	right;

    However, I still have the same problem with Firefox: the image overlaps the text. Problem NOT solved.

    Thread Starter mpanty


    Seems like I found a site that offers a partial solution for this problem (kudos to Napolux for the help!).

    Here’s the site:

    It includes a screenshot which shows where in the comments.php code structure you have to insert the MyAvatars function call, as well as a < div > command that should make the text float right better.

    I’ve tested the solution and the problem under Firefox seems partially solved (image still overlaps into text, but much less). I guess that at this point that’s the best I can hope for.

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