• Hello guys

    im looking for help to fix this problem, the site was workign fine months ago and now is so slow that clients cant even browser on the site

    here is the link https://arowautorental.com/

    i have resize some of the image manually but the site still slow

    anyway to fix this problem

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  • Hi,

    here you can analyse your site speed and then apply what they suggested to do.


    There are a few things that could cause your website to run slower than it should. I would recommend trying the options below.

    • Compression – This is a little minor in less you have more than 2 or 3 images on a page. Either way you should get into the habit of compressing your images BEFORE you upload them to your website. Also I would suggest making them jpg and as small as possible. If you have a bunch of images that you need to compress on your website then there are some plugins out there. I would recommend Compress JPEG & PNG images.
    • Cache – The most popular way to go about cache is to use a plugin like WP Super Cache or W3 Total Cache. Although, downloading the plugin and activating it doesn’t just magically change your page speed. I would suggest checking out these two tutorials for WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache. They provide great information for setting the plugins up properly to get the best results. Note that there are other cache options out there that are not listed. You can check them out on the WordPress directory.
    • CloudFlare – I don’t know if you use CloudFlare or not but if you do I would suggest deactivating it and seeing if it helps. Also sometimes a good purge of the cache on CloudFlare can help.
    • Plugins – Plugins can be a thing that can really weight down your website. How many plugins do you have installed? I would suggest using the P3 plugin to see what plugins are slowing down your website the most. Sometimes there are multiple other plugins out there that you can use as alternatives if the one that you are currently using is slowing your site down.
    • Theme – This is minor but a very select few themes can slow down your website. I would suggest switching to the Twenty Fifteen or Twenty Sixteen theme to see if it speeds up your website. Note that when you switch themes and then switch back to the theme that you were using you can lose settings and may need to set the primary menu and sidebar widgets again.
    • Host – If all else fails then I would suggest contacting your host provider. It could be a problem on their end or they may be able to help with troubleshooting. Also if you are contacting your host provider then you should make sure that you are on the most recent PHP version (5.6 is the current I think). Also you may want to look into upgrading your plan to provide better server speed.

    Let me know if any of the above were able to help you solve the problem! If not then I can give you some more suggestions.

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