My website blog page will not allow me to post each post with their own link?
and first of all I am sorry if my question is silly. I am totally lost. I have a self-hosted site with Bluehost website builder. My site has a few pages (about, recommended reading and so on. I hope in the future also a Products for sale-page) and one of them is blog. Blogging is one of the most important things on my site at the moment. I have so far published one post, but as I was publishing the second post, topic being close to the first one, I wanted to link the previous post to this post. Saying something like “This post deals with xx which is part of y. I strongly recommend you to read my earlier post about y in order to have a full understanding of this topic.”
However, the problem is, when I link to the previous post, the link address is my sites name/blog. So this link takes the reader to the blog site. it is not a problem right now, but after 20 posts, they would need to look for the right one, scrolling down searching.. which is not cool.
How can I post each blog posting with their own address? That way I could refer to them individually? Preferably so that they always open in a new window. Also, I do not seem to have a tool to organise my posts according to the tags and categories, even though I do categorize and tag my posts? I mean, the reader can not see from my blog site immediately a “cloud of words” etc, from where they could decide which topics they find interesting? Is there a separate tool or a plug-in I should use? A free one? I can not figure out how to do this and I have been trying for a long time. Should I change my theme?
What free theme would you recommend? I do not mind that all the blog posts are on the same page, as long as their title works as a link, and then they pop up on a new window? and if a reader can clearly see a categorization?
I also need the other pages for about section and recommended reading + hopefully later for product sales.
Thank you for your patience and kindness. I am a beginner and I have nobody else to turn to.
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