My weblog is too slow
A well known search engine’s webmaster tools tells me that my weblog is running slow. Perhaps my 1900 or so posts contribute to this – or maybe not.
Technology-wise I’m now rather a lightweight and I’m very much bamboozled by the information webmaster tools is giving me.
Can anyone tell me what approaches should I take to trying to sort out this issue please?
I’m using the following plugins:
AdSense Now!
Anti Feed-Scraper Message
Enhanced WP-ContactForm
External Links
Google+ Plugin
Google Analyticator
Hello Dolly
Jetpack by WordPress
Official StatCounter Plugin
Privacy Policy
TentBlogger Optimize WordPress Database Plugin
TentBlogger Simple SEO Sitemap
W3 Total Cache
WordPress Database Backup
WordTwitI also seem to have a large number of dead old links, but as this is a spare time activity and earns very little, as far as I can see I lack the time to address this issue properly.
Any advice would be most welcome.
Thanks, Gavin Atkin
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