• My first site — it’s been a while since i attempted to make webpages. Where did HTML and cgi go? ??
    I have become pretty good with searching in the forums, and cutting & pasting. Thanks to the community for getting a non-webbie person like me up & crawling:
    https://www.grubgirl.com is my site…
    i got the CSS from THE template site … another community appreciation there
    i have a sticky post hack in place (thanks A_hall)
    I have meta tags shown
    i have let search be able to search meta fields…woo hoo!
    now what, folks?
    * if you see the posting from today (7/2) regarding the image/font…any ideas would help.
    * in the About Us section I’d love to have the text flow nicely around the image
    remember, my mind is sloooowly going from static html world to this world of dynamic coolness, which i really don’t get other than cutting & pasting instructions from you folks.
    it took me several hours just to move stuff around…so now it’s break time and time for contructive comments from y’all — if you have suggestions, please let me know if the answer is actually inthe forum, so I can look it up, or…if you don’t mind typing in some magical lines that i can cut & paste, that would be cool too (no kiddin).
    thanks for all your help, adding to the forums, and now.

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  • This might help with your ‘about us’ page.
    Well done with what you have done !

    You have some CSS positioning issues. Scroll down for full effect. Sorry.

    That positioning is a fault of that style – I’ve seen it on a friend’s site too.

    I am sorry to say that positioning error is extremely common on that and a number of other styles in the style comp. It is relatively simple to fix. (Relatively being the key word.). The fault is not in the style as such it is just that the style doesn’t fit with the default index. Hence my template which would take that style or any other.

    Thread Starter grubgirl


    Good thing to point out! This raised an eyebrow when I first started but…so many others things were “real broke” so…this is another good one for me to add to my list. ??
    I’m assuming you mean the gap of color that occurs between the bottom of the page (the copyrighty area) and the end of the post. yeahhhh.
    Keep ’em coming! Everyone is a coach here, and i appreciate it.

    No. I was referring to the way the menu overflows the footer and keeps heading south. As your menu gets longer that is going to get a lot worse believe me.

    Thread Starter grubgirl


    Hmmm…ok I’m on IE6.0 and I don’t see that on the link you provided. Well perhaps we are seeing the same thing but I’m not describing it correctly. But I want to get it exact so I can start searching the forums.
    Assumption 1: By “menu”, I assume this means the right-hand column of “squares” that start with the “Search” box and end with a “Meta” box. This “Meta” box ends above a gray rectagular box with the word “Copyright” in it.
    Assumption 2: By “Footer”, I look at … the bottom strip that has the word “Copyright” in it? But now i’m wondering if “Footer” could = the bottom of that last post (ie the edge of the white space right after the the words “Comments (…)”).
    Please correct me…I’ve already started searching of “CSS positioning” and it’s turning up a few posts from Root. So i know i’m the right track. ??
    Unknown: Below the post’s white “square”/real estate, is a gap of light blue until the “Copyright” bar at the bottom.

    Grubgirl, you have the problem described for exampleat the position is everything site. (you can also check out the IE non-standard features and bugs, great site!). At the very bottom they say that IE doesn’t behave like standards say. This article points out that the menu-sticking-out thing is not a bug but a feature.
    I worked on the very same issues today after Root pointed me to the css problems on my site.

    This might help. my new template

    @grubgirl. I should add that I am on Firefox but I have other browsers for testing.. I should also add that the way IE handles clearing floats is not in accordance with the basic float rendering model set out in W3C. Superficially that might seem attractive; but it is having the effect of disguising from you how this looks in other browsers. The message here is that we can all abandon proper markup and CSS as long as we and all our readers use IE. Don’t they just suck?

    Thread Starter grubgirl


    1) After reading about floats and of MSFT’s subtle defiance to standards, I can’t wait for the Michael Moore documentary on them. ??
    2) Root – I see your template site – and I am nervous to upload your index.php & wp-layout.css files as I have made modifications to both of mine. Is it acceptable for me to cut & paste key sections of your files, or replace certain sections of my files with what you have? Or is that too time consuming – I am just nervous about having to re-do colors & fonts especially when my whole site’s look & feel is someone else’s design template (ie i have no artistic inclination of my own).
    did i tell you guys to take a break from the PC? haha…

    Well – *my* template is there for anyone to use in any way they want at all. It is only a bit of html. You may have noticed that as a first step I have isolated all the layout divs, first in the CSS. With concentration it could be transplanted if you have hacked or have an intricate colour scheme by all means.
    The really important bit is my div structure – the two floats and the clearer with the all encompassing rap. As long as those arent damaged it should all run fine whatever you do. How about doing a test / dev install somewhere while you work it up?

    Thread Starter grubgirl


    After a couple hours of side-by-side cutting & pasting of the templates into my existing index & wp-layout….I am on hold again. margins and alignment changed a bit — the top graphic at one point was about 1″ rightset above the postings…the whole time, the footer issue never got resolved. (again, this is my attempting to cut & paste – -i am not savvy with php or css). divs & all that jazz….to me just mean cutting & pasting.
    interesting to see how IE6.0 vs Firefox makes this page of yours look: sample of right-column.
    also in your index.php file i did not see any DIV reference the “#footer” section you had in your wp-layout.css file.
    i am thinking this is real easy to a person that gets CSS or PHP scripting so…I will re-read the PIE reference from above about how to correct floaters with that #clearer “command” (?) that goes into the wp-layout. stay tuned…

    alas, i moved the last “/div” tag of the file to go above the “/body” file…
    * in IE, this made the footer bar go OVER the hanging menues on the right column…
    * in FF, no change.
    i moved both “/div” tags above the “clearer” div and things in IE were ok, visually. in FF, same old problem as before — interesting how nothing seems to change in that browser….
    ok, off to look at how i can play with the header/graphic

    Firefox sometimes needs to be forced to do a hard refresh to load new css. F5 will do it. If all else fails empty the cache.

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