• Hi, guys! I bought a template with its single post’s featured image doesn’t show the caption. How can I modify my wp template to show caption under the featured image within a single post view? The template developer wouldn’t willing to modify this. Please help me!

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  • Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    Hi @janurmas, We unfortunately can’t help you with this because we don’t support commercial themes. It sounds like you might have to hire someone: https://jobs.wordpress.net

    generally, to show captions under the featured image in the single post, try to add this code to functions.php of your (child) theme:

    // dec 17 2016 @alchymyth
    // filter for single post, in the loop, to show caption, if available, on thumbnail, wrapped with '.wp-caption thumb-caption' div;
    // show just the thumbnail otherwise
    add_filter( 'post_thumbnail_html', 'add_post_thumbnail_caption',10,5 );
    function add_post_thumbnail_caption($html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr) {
    if( $html == '' || !is_single() || !in_the_loop() ) { //do this only for single post in the loop//
    	return $html;
    } else {
    	$out = '';
    	$thumbnail_image = get_posts(array('p' => $post_thumbnail_id, 'post_type' => 'attachment'));
    	if ($thumbnail_image && isset($thumbnail_image[0])) {
    		$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($post_thumbnail_id, $size);
    			$out .= '<div class="wp-caption thumb-caption">';
    		$out .= $html;
    			$out .= '<p class="wp-caption-text thumb-caption-text">'.$thumbnail_image[0]->post_excerpt.'</p></div>';
    	return $out;

    might need to be adapted to work with your commercial theme.

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