Thank you @esmi, it was a serious accusation that is unfounded.
We take security very seriously and as you can see in the reported security vulnerability you linked we fixed that the very next day it was reported.
I think this is one of those cases where the review system doesn’t represent us fairly. I’m replying to this @securityoptions because you’re accusing us of something we make first priority, the safety of our users.
If you don’t bother to update your site for three years (I assume you didn’t upgrade WP either), you’re likely to get hacked one day or another. It happens, I cleaned up a forgotten/hacked blog site of mine that hadn’t been updated in 5 years, but I don’t go blaming plugins, it’s pretty obviously my fault for not updating.
Just because we had a vulnerability, WP has had many vulnerabilities in the past years so those may have just as likely been the cause. See the past security releases as proof:
Also, try googling ‘Why you should update WordPress’, here’s one result that gives reason #1 as ‘Security’ :