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  • It’s timing out in Firefox for me… =(


    It all works fine with safari.

    It came up now, it’s looking good. ??


    Your fonts go goofy on zoom in ie. Adding font-size: 100%; in the body declaration will correct this(if you size fonts with em’s you need to set percent on the body for ie– otherwise it triggers an ie font scaling bug).

    The size of your content text is tiny for those at 1280 and up. I am at 1600+ and get the layout starting to break when I bring that text up to a readable level.

    Print typographers avoid setting sans justified as though it would cause some sort of plague. On the Web neither serifed nor sans justified works well. The spaces between words/letters does not adjust properly at different screen resolutions. If you zoom your font 3 clicks in FF, and squint at the blocks of text, you’ll see the ‘rivers.’ Text-align: left; will do better for you and your users.

    look fine on IE

    Thread Starter jmhirst


    Thanks for the responses folks. I’m still tinkering about with some of the CSS but I’m pleased the way it’s turning out.

    I’m really puzzled about the problems you’ve had Aesop. My main browser is indeed Firefox, but I’m a stickler for compatiblity and none of the problems you’ve mentioned appear on my IE (V6). The only ‘problem’ I’ve seen is if I scale the fonts up by three clicks, then the header of the first post appears after the sidebar (FF works fine though).

    I’ll certainly keep experimenting though, trying a different version of IE at work and get a few other IE users I know of to have a look, but I really appreciate the feedback, thanks for that.

    JMHirst>I’m really puzzled about the problems you’ve had Aesop.

    Aesop>Do not be puzzled about the problems I’ve had. Concentrate on the problem /you/ have in all versions of Win/IE at text-size largest. Please see these screen shots:
    The fix I gave will solve /your/ problem.

    It looks nice, it loaded kind of slow for me though.
    Can anyone tell me if this is nice or not.
    I just made it about a month ago.
    I bought an expired page rank 6 domain and I turned it into somehting else.

    natureday, I realize you are new to this forum, but…
    1. Please, don’t hijack someone else’s topic. Open your own if you want feedback for your blog
    2. There is nothing at the link you posted ??

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