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  • The content of your site is great, nice job with that.
    As far as design, I would suggest moving toward a monochromatic color scheme featuring more blues (calming and relaxing effect on the user). The orange/red featured prominently now may create a sense of anxiousness and aggression on a site where a calming and positive mental state seems to be the goal. Just a little bit of color theory for you that I think may be helpful.
    Also, the twitter icon seems to be pushing down your content in each post creating a gap of white-space at the top of each; perhaps this could be resolved by moving the icon to the bottom of the post and increasing the size of your post title? Great content again, I look forward to seeing where it goes from here. Cheers!

    Thread Starter awakeninnerself


    Thank you..

    I’ve gone through I think four or five different themes so far. If I was familiar with CSS I would be able to design it better on my own. Unfortunately I do not so I have to suffice for already made themes.

    I will look into something more calming and warm.

    Thanks again glad you liked the content at least. That was the important part. Now I just need to get them to enjoy the whole thing.

    Thread Starter awakeninnerself


    I have changed the color scheme some. I have changed from the Orange colors to a calming blueish green.

    Wow, what a difference! That looks great, as soon as I arrive at your site I feel more of a sense of calm. Again, I really like your content, reminds me of the way I feel after a nice yoga workout. ?? Keep up the good work, let me know if you ever need any help.

    I have never seen the orange color though but the blueish themes do look great.

    Thread Starter awakeninnerself


    The orange was the default cleanfrog theme from nearfrog. I just edited it to the blueish green. Glad that you like the article, and thanks for the nice words.

    Now I just need to work on the getting more traffic part. Or it will end up fading into obscurity.

    Well, I’m not much of a marketer per-say, but the name ‘awakeninnerself’ is pretty unique; perhaps you could start Twitter/Facebook pages and begin with family/friends, sending out updates and links to your new content. Before you know it things could snowball for you! Just a thought; best of luck.

    Thread Starter awakeninnerself


    Thank you. I picked a phrase that could be easily found and unique. On the web if you’re not unique or providing something fresh you will go unnoticed.

    My blog does utilize Twitter/Facebook but does not gain much benefit from them. Not at this time anyways.

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