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  • I think it looks great. You might want to do something with the fixed width though. Not many people have wide screens and most run 1024 x 768 and at that setting it won’t fit on the screen, you have to scroll sideways.

    Also I am not a big fan of all the ads. I think you will find you won’t make anything off of them and the just clutter your site.

    But that’s just my opinion. I’m sure others will disagree so take it for what it’s worth.

    1)if people use ff they might have no script(like me) and so don’t see your flash content, need some <noscript> content

    2) everything is evenly spaced, you need some division between the separate posts, more space, an hr, a border image…

    3) add some colour – you have a gamer site, gamers need/want colour
    eg; (not that i like the amount of graphics etc on this page), but this guys is also targeting gamers with his blog….

    Thread Starter magentaskye


    hmmm well the demolishman website…. it is the furthest thing from my type of design. I can’t say I enjoyed any of it, it actually hurt my eyes… I wouldn’t say that it is colorful, it just a giant blob of mud, but we’re not critiquing his site so I will stop there…

    as stated in my original post mine is a work in progress and I am working on tweaking, but no one seems to want to help or point me in the right direction in my other post….. so it’s posing to be a little bit more difficult.

    my intent was and is to incorporate more images, so that it will bring some more color into the site…

    thank for the feed back you 2

    that it is colorful, it just a giant blob of mud, but we’re not critiquing his site so I will stop there…

    i had a lot to say about that site….

    if you are looking for a place to start, refer to the wp themes site
    (this ones kind of nice
    look for a layout you like, columns, header image, background images etc, not the content just the look, you can change the images colours etc with the style sheet

    then replace the colours and images with your own in a gamer site visuals are everything, your customer base is very image stimulated, they want the latest ss form WOW/SWGalaxies/DiabloIII etc and they want is hi res and colourful! so your site needs to reflect their wants

    Thread Starter magentaskye


    ya, I’m not marketing PC gamers players…. I’m a console gamer… and it shows in the graphics and topics posted on the site. and the last thing I want is something complicated and sore on the eyes. I want it clean and want the consumers to be able to find what it is they are looking for. you seem to be the only person i have shown this to that has a problem with the graphics….

    I guess we can just agree to disagree here. I’ve been in graphics for over 10 years and think I know what my tastes and market are..

    I’ve looked at all those themes and none of them have what I want, since I don’t want a blog looking blog.

    I like the nice clean look. Like I said I just have a thing about scrolling sideways. I like the little turntable at the bottom too. I will have to see if I can make me one. I have different pictures I need to go on it.

    It’s clean and legible for the most part. The orange color works for the large headings, but it is very difficult to read in smaller sizes. Try a different color for your links.

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