• My site https://www.howtogetskinnyfast1.com has got the following problem:

    The right sidebar suddenly fell to the bottom of the first page as I added a new post. The site has only one page.

    I tried to change theme, didnt help. changed back to my preferred theme.

    I inactivated all right sidebar widgets and took them back. Then some of the sidebars got duplicated (!)

    I have latest versions of everything.

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  • this post:
    ‘How to get skinny fast and make exercise fun with comfortable shoes’ has an erranous closing </div>

    at the end of this line:
    ...good workout for the back and stomach.</div>

    edit that post, switch to the html mode of the editor, and try to find that spot; try and change the </div> to </p> and see if that solves our problem.

    there is also some formating in that post, from copy/paste probably from a word docuemtn, that might cause problems in some browsers.

    don’t paste directly from word, use the ‘paste from word’ button (visual editor, second row, about in the middle) or the ‘remove formatting’ button.

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