• I’m baffled by a problem I’ve experienced on a couple of occasions now where my server doesn’t allow me to post certain words. Today, WordPress refused to allow me to make a post with the word “from” in it…strange, I know, but take a look at the following video of the problem. Any tips would be greatly appreciated…this isn’t a huge problem (and I don’t think it’s a WordPress specific problem), but it’s just an annoyance and I curious if anyone else has experienced something similiar.

    [link moderated]

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  • I cant understand why that would be a blocked word, but that *sounds* like mod_security.

    I can use the word “from” inside posts fine on other 2.8 installs.

    I would try this on 2 stand alone pages, one .php and one .html, and see what happens:

    <form action="" method="post">
    <tr><td align=center>
    <input type="hidden" name="from" value="from" />

    do either result in an error? If so, contact your host and ask whats up.

    hah, just noticed my bad html nesting, tsk tsk.

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    I’ve had that problem! And it’s not always the same word, yesterday it was ‘Updated’, which took me a while to suss out.

    This has happened to me on occasion from WP 2.7 onward, but it’s never the same twice in a row. It works fine in all other posts, but not the one. I’ve had it happen on 2 different themes, both child themes.

    Things in common with my two blogs:

    • WP 2.8
    • Child Themes
    • Same server
    Thread Starter figaro


    Thanks for verifying I’m not just losing it ??

    I have had it happen with another php app as well, so I think whooami may be on the right track with mod_security or something on the server vs a WP specific problem. I can verify that I have been able to post “from” in other posts…just not that one. And, interesting enough, even if I made a new post with that content, I got the same results…it’s almost like it just didn’t like “from” in that specific context…strange…

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    That’s exactly the problem I have. And now that I’m reminded of this, I’m pretty sure I saw this once on a MediaWiki install on the same server. Okay, so now that we’re not insane and we know it’s the server(s) … Ugh. I don’t even know where to look. ‘Server hates content with certain words’ is a weird search query.

    Thread Starter figaro


    I just found it…whooami was right…it’s a mod_security issue. The solution, or at least one solution to clear the problem in WordPress is posted here by djdavedawson below:


    Thats a fairly common problem,


    glad you found the cause.

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