Hi @lillafilur
Thanks for the additional information.
If i go to the link I can se my facebook shop and my catalog with products. When I click on my facebook shop It says:
The shop in not available to persons in this location.
I have read a little about this. But I live in Sweden so I would be able to have a shop?
Could you clarify, when you go to your Commerce Manager page (https://business.facebook.com/commerce) are you seeing any notices from Facebook?
If products are syncing from your WooCommerce store to your Facebook Business Manager correctly then this sounds like a restriction was put in place by Facebook directly and you may need to reach out to their support team for guidance on this. But it would be helpful to understand what you are seeing here first.
My webshop crashes all the time when I save variabel products.?Is it somerhing wrong with the Facebook plug-in and variabel products?
This doesn’t sound like it would be coming from the Facebook extension, but may be something on how your site is configured. As this is a separate issue, I would suggest asking about this directly in the WooCommerce plugin support forum:
When I look in the catalog on facebook I can se all my products and it is several duplicates. I need to delete the products that does not come fr?n Woo Commerce. I dont understand how I do that.
Do you have more than one catalog in your Commerce Manager (https://business.facebook.com/commerce/catalogs/ ) or did you by chance add products any alternative way than through the Facebook for WooCommerce extension, such as manually?
To look at how best to delete the duplicates, it would be helpful to understand how they were added in the first place.
We will be standing by for your response.