Yeah you might want to do that. I like a video or montage to sell the idea check out my page My site is all about the pitch but my leads come from my sharing FREE information to do it yourselfer’s like you might be.
Think about this:
Intro- Slogan Motto or Elevator Blurb 3 seconds in print upto 1 minute if video or montage. 30 seconds is optimus prime.
Mission statement first
Then the 3 feel, felt, found
Feel -I feel this will be the right choice because….
Felt _ I felt this (put yourself in the consumers position)
Found- I found (the solution that worked prior)
Then some Proof if you got it. And better then self proclaimed riches, would be to use testimonial.
You see Testimonial is the proof, the rest is hearsay.
Be kind use your Blinker and let people merge….