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  • The Truth?
    It looks like a flyin page that wants my money…

    Wow, do you need money?

    Thread Starter 512jay


    Thanks for the replies, I take it that it needs to be toned down, it looks too much like its is trying to sale you something.

    Yeah you might want to do that. I like a video or montage to sell the idea check out my page My site is all about the pitch but my leads come from my sharing FREE information to do it yourselfer’s like you might be.

    Think about this:

    Intro- Slogan Motto or Elevator Blurb 3 seconds in print upto 1 minute if video or montage. 30 seconds is optimus prime.

    Mission statement first
    Then the 3 feel, felt, found
    Feel -I feel this will be the right choice because….
    Felt _ I felt this (put yourself in the consumers position)
    Found- I found (the solution that worked prior)
    Then some Proof if you got it. And better then self proclaimed riches, would be to use testimonial.

    You see Testimonial is the proof, the rest is hearsay.

    Be kind use your Blinker and let people merge….

    @512jay, i can understand that you want to sell products online and make some money out of it… but you can’t just sell anyone something unless you are able to connect with them.

    You need great content, and you need to keep bringing that content everyday to keep your readers hooked in.. once you have that readership, you can use your blog platform for selling your own and affiliate products online.

    I see a lot of stuff on your page, i see that you have got quite a lot of banners at the end of the page… i would suggest you to lower down those stuff and make space for some of your recent blog posts to appear on the homepage for a start. To do that, the first thing you would need is some good content, and that is what the blog is about anyway, so start writing…


    Thread Starter 512jay


    Thanks for the tips, so what is a person who hates writing with a passion to do? However I still want to make money online, I need find a different model.

    If you hate to write then here are your two choices.

    1) Hire writers – this will cost you some money, if you can afford high quality writers, your content will be good…

    2) Allow guest posts – That way, others who are passionate about writing on your topic will write for you. This is a free way to get some high quality articles. In return they will get a link in their author bio…

    Along with that, i would suggest you to write a bit yourself… that way your content will always stay updated…


    Thanks for the tips, so what is a person who hates writing with a passion to do? However I still want to make money online, I need find a different model.

    Adsenseplugin is right… This is after all, a digital newspaper or magazine with comment abilities…Right? There are plenty of places that will write content for you at 1 cent a word. I write my own stuff using notepad and jotting down some ideas and then expanding on them.
    You want to be bookmarked and subscribed to. Do you have Target, Walmart or the local Grocery store bookmarked? NO because they are not a value as far as information hub goes or what you are interested in.
    But if you gave tips on making and saving money maybe there would be a following and when someone asks one of your subscribers; “Do you know how I can make some extra money?” Hopefully you have dazzled them with information and tips, so they refer you. I bet I can Google ‘making money from home’ and a million pages come up…
    The one I select would be the one with FREE Helpful INFO
    If you pay to Rank #1 on the big pages then you do not have to worry about it and if you stuff works I am sure you will have a ton of referrals. We are only trying to point you in the right direction.

    It’s really great site, You have selected nice topic.

    Do people really buy from sites like these? I view them as I view my “penis-enlargement” emails.

    Thread Starter 512jay


    Do people really buy from sites like these? I view them as I view my “penis-enlargement” emails.

    You may have a point there, I have yet to have any sales from this site.

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